at this table

As we continue to prepare our hearts for all the meaning and merry of the season, I must confess, Christmas music is continually playing in my household. True — and don’t lose too much respect for me here — but I have been known to sing Christmas songs all year long. (How can “Hark!” not  put a person in a most awesome mood??)

I have a new album added to this year’s seasonal Spotify playlist — Idina Menzel’s most excellent “Christmas: A Season of Love.” 

But on that album one song stands out to me. It’s how I think… and so much of what the Intramuralist attempts to articulate…

“At This Table” by Idina Menzel

At this table, everyone is welcome

At this table, everyone is seen

At this table, everybody matters

No one falls between

At this table, you can say whatever

At this table, you can speak your mind

At this table, everything’s forgiven

There’s enough for everyone

So come as you are

Remember that the door is always open

Yes, come as you are

The perfect gift that you can bring is your heart

So, come, come as you are

At this table, there will be no judgment

At this table, mercy has a seat

At this table, we’re all sons and daughters

There’s no place I’d rather be

So come as you are

Remember that the door is always open

Come as you are

The perfect gift that you can bring is your heart


Come as you are

Come as you are, oh

At this table, everyone is welcome

At this table, everybody cares

At this table, everybody matters

So, come, pull up a chair.

Pull up a chair, friends. Join the conversation. Extend love, kindness, compassion, and respect to all.

No judgment. Generous mercy and grace.

All are welcome.

That’s the beauty of the Christmas season…

And — dare I say — one of the joys of singing these songs all year long.
