one brief point about Thanksgiving

Sometimes — in a skill few politicians regardless of bent seem to grasp (unless, of course, if actually avoiding the press) — a person can actually say more by speaking less. I’ll thus make this short today. 

The sweet thing about Thanksgiving week is that gratitude is our number one focus.

It’s amazing what happens when we focus on something so good…

… the biting division, discontent, and disparaging treatment of one another simply fades away. Judgment is quieted. Insults are rare. Mistreatment and meanness stop being justified. Even behind the back.

Make no mistake; gratitude is good.

But there’s one point about gratitude that if we fail to master, we will miss the mark. 

Gratitude, if not expressed, feels like ingratitude.

I understand the notion that those I love and do life with should just know. But way too often falling prey to that line of thinking results in us not thanking the persons in our lives who deserve it most. 

Gratitude is most meaningful when it is personal, specific, and expressed.

So as I continue to ponder the focus — and ponder the intentional expression — I must admit: I find myself increasingly humbled.

Gratitude has that effect; the more it’s expressed, the more humbled we become.

It puts life in perspective. It puts me in perspective — in other words, the expression of gratitude helps us not think of self any higher nor lower than we ought.

Gratitude is thus, yes, good.

So happy Thanksgiving, friends…

Know at Thanksgiving and always, I am grateful for you. I am grateful for your friendship, your reading, your participation, and your mutual sharpening. You have made me better at what God’s gifted me to do. This is a joy.

I am grateful for you.
