Route 49After celebrating another joyous birthday this week, I’ve decided maybe I should make a few notes of what I’ve learned before I’m 50.  I could publish such a post next year, but then everyone might find out I’m actually turning 50.  So with minimal tongue, cheek, and added rhetorical fodder, I humbly submit a few life lessons, learned by age 49.

  1. We complain about seasons a lot… in the summer, it’s too hot — in winter, too cold; maybe we should do a better job of enjoying what we have when we have it.
  2. We aren’t good at admitting weakness… for some reason we think it makes us look bad, when maybe the admission is the first real sign of strength.
  3. As we get older, some temptations don’t go away… except for that sticking your tongue on a cold fence thing.  (Granted, parents to-the-rescue in their pajamas look pretty funny.)
  4. Wisdom and intelligence aren’t the same thing… they just aren’t.  Wisdom is far better; sometimes, though, I think society teaches exactly the opposite..
  5. There truly is a time for everything… everything; the reality is just that we like some things better than others; there’s a time to sing… time to dance… time to be silent and still; there’s a time for war and a time for peace.  I don’t believe anyone really “likes” war, though.
  6. Social media has completely altered the meaning of “like”… it’s changed the meaning of “friend” and “privacy,” too; there are some excellent things which have resulted from the constant of social media in our lives… some not so great things, too.
  7. People are finicky about soccer… it’s not just all the faking and the flopping.  There are some incredibly talented athletes out there; there just isn’t a lot of scoring; and at least in this country, we like to score.
  8. People crave a savior… always… for all time.  The challenge is that no human — even if named “LeBron” — is so capable; salvation is not a human ability… makes me wonder why we crave.
  9. Some of us cling to faith; some of us avoid it; but everyone has a religion…  as no belief in an ultimate, loving Father is still a belief; it just prompts varied behavior.
  10. Politicians can be so silly sometimes (I’m being nice with the word “silly”).  We then fall prey into thinking all Democrats or Republicans are good because an ideology resonates deeply within us.  But some put ideology before treating others well.  I’m thinking the establishment is a huge part of problem.
  11. People have a hard time refraining from spending… especially if they really want something.
  12. Discipline goes with wisdom… not punishment.
  13. We idolize so many of the wrong things.
  14. We forget about God… worse yet, we think we have no need of him; that can’t be good.
  15. Respect is vital… always… but remember — I know we say this often — but respect does not mean accepting as equally good and right; it means listening, seeking to understand, and resisting the temptation to become the convictor of truth in another’s life.  Yes, yes… far too often we justify disrespect.  Some may even avoid this blog.

Still learning.  Can’t wait for 50.



2 Replies to “49”

  1. Thanks, Ann, for a reminder of what’s important and a few things to ponder. I always enjoy reading your writings with my coffee!

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