your turn

So today is an open invitation…  just like all days, you are free to comment, although today, I want to wholeheartedly encourage you.  This is your opportunity to influence and encourage one another.


What issues are driving your vote this November?  What concerns you?


My desire this day is to have you write the blog.


The ground rules are this:

1.  As always, be respectful.  That means no disparaging terms describing any candidate, person, or people group.

2.  Be brief.  In order to have an interactive discussion that informs and challenges, let’s try not to talk too much, but rather, get to the point.  Sometimes we say more with fewer words.

3.  Be factual and specific.  Too many people base their concern (and their vote) on perspectives beginning with “it seems like” or “I feel.”  The oversight with that approach is that individual experience often trumps truth. I would encourage you as much as possible to be factual and objective, remembering that a subjective approach has significant potential to distort reality.

4.  If sharing any external link, utilize an objective source.  Hence, nothing from MSNBC or, for example, qualifies as objective.  And…

5.  Be witty.  It’s actually not a ground rule.  I just appreciate wit.


Ok, friends, comment.  Drive the discussion.  What issues concern you most this coming election?




15 Replies to “your turn”

  1. There are a little over 16 trillion items driving my vote this November. Washington (including both R’s & D’s) has kicked the can that is our debt problem down the road so far for so long that it threatens to consume our very way of life very soon in a rapid manner if no action is taken. In the words of Mark Steyn , “This election represents the last exit ramp before the death spiral.” I should note that Romney may not be able to change the course we’re on, but at least he has a plan to address the problem. If we re-elect Obama, we’ll just keep going “forward,” over the cliff.

  2. From Pam (via Facebook): Food allergies, food packaging labeling for may contain allergens on all products, maybe not the response you expected but it makes me crazy.

  3. The economy. We have to stop blithely printing money with nothing to back it. Inflation will be the result and yet, hardly anyone is discussing this possibility. The defense budget must be increased. With unrest in the world, the U.S. needs to be prepared. Foreign policy. Which candidate will effectively navigate an increasingly complicated world?

  4. One other thing. Many media outlets give a pass to Obama. ABC, NBC etc do not ask tough questions, such as, “Why weren’t our embassies protected on 9/11 of this year?” And “Why would you go on the View and not meet with Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu?” I wish ABC et al would ask the tough questions of Obama that they used to ask Bush. Or that they would not paint him in a good light all the time. The media should point out the deficiencies of his administration.

  5. Long ago I learned one can’t keep spending money one does not have. I am deeply concerned about the debt we are accumulating for our children & grandchildren. How can we ignore that “legacy,” choosing instead “me first”? Truth must prevail if our country is to prevail!

  6. 1) I want a president who recognizes the dangers of deficit spending and driving up our national debt. 2) I want a president who understands the threat of radical Islam and isn’t afraid to call a terrorist attack what it is. 3) I want a president who is willing to protect our borders. I know, AR, me me me!

  7. I will be voting for whichever candidate convinces me they will spend less money. This country is borrowing money at an alarming rate, with a tsunami of baby boomers about to bankrupt medicare and Social Security. It is completely unsustainable. As soon as the interest on the national debt exceeds annual revenue, we will be upside down on the government mortgage and have no choice but to print money, at which time the U.S. dollar will become worthless, everyone’s entire life savings will be wiped out, the entire economy – for both the haves and have nots – will be destroyed, and the U.S. will no longer be a superpower. This requires someone who will make the tough decisions rather than telling us what we want to hear.

  8. From Kathy (via Facebook): My eyes are on the Middle East. We need a leader who will stand with Israel.

  9. There are many things that I am watching, many are already listed here so I will go with the one that isn’t – education. No child left behind set up a system that has failed almost across the board, and the result can be seen in the decline of our math and science aptitude. What are we going to do to fix our schools? what is the best way to encourage the best in our teachers? Funding, when there are no funds to be had and teachers are spending their own money? So many problems that will cause a domino effect for years to come if we don’t get a handle on it. Also, the increase in our green energy capacities.Better for the environment, and national security if we are not dependent on the Middle East for our Energy. I want a President who is smart enough to solve our little problems as a way of tackling the bigger issues. Who is thoughtful and doesn’t shoot from the hip, and seeks out the advice of experts regardless of party affiliation.

  10. From RW: As to what will drive my vote, it is a simple basic philosophy of what government is for and how it can best be of, for, and by the people, which I think we see far more in Romney than Obama.

  11. Wisdom from my 85 yr old mom: “I believe we in America need to face up to that and make some sacrifices to get our finances back on a sound basis. We can’t possibly continue as a nation if we can’t get our debts paid.” In which case, none of the other issues are going to matter.

  12. The economy, foreign policy… leadership!

    One thing that gets my goat everytime is that the current POTUS “inherited” the deficit. OK, then figure out how to stop increasing the deficit! If I inherit my father’s debt, but continue to increase the debt, is it my father’s fault that the debt increased? Responsible spending includes responsible debt reduction – spending cuts. It hurts to prune, but prune we must.
    I was angered when I see an individual who put an anti-Islam movie trailer out there was ridiculed more so than the terrorists that killed! That we apologized! WHAT? We are sorry? What are we sorry for? An individuals actions that in the end we learned truly weren’t the catalyst for this attack…

    Also, when it comes right down to it, in my opinion – we have taken God out of everything. He (God) has turned America over to it’s greed, it’s worship of money, it’s worship of celebrity… we need to turn back to Him. Man cannot serve two masters – and we my friends, as a country have been worshipping the almighty dollar for far too long.

  13. I have lots of reasons why I am voting for Romney this November.
    The uncontrolled deficit and debt
    The unmitigated corruption of this administration – namely the passing of a spending bill under the guise of stimulus, only to use it to pay off union bosses, ill-conceived green companies, left wing organizations and radical individuals who in turn supported his re-election campaign.
    The fact that the world is less safe for my kids.
    The fact that Obama has usurped the notion of free enterprise by taking over insurance companies, car companies and banks while depriving investors.
    I really could go on and on, but the number one reason I am voting on November is to fight for God. God is being removed from our society little by little by the extreme liberal left. And if the ACLU, Obama and his handpicked Czars (who are radicals, revolutionaries, and avowed Marxist / Communists), have their way God will continue to be marginalized in our society.

    A godless society will certainly fail.

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