frequently NOT asked questions

As FAQ’s are supposedly commonly asked in some context, the Intramuralist has determined that it’s not answers to “the common” that I desire.  My questions aren’t common in any context; that’s part of the problem.  I wonder what would happen if they were asked…


To those who claim it’s racist to vote against someone due to the color of their skin…

Is it not equally racist to vote for someone due to the color of their skin?  I mean, isn’t the primary idea that skin color shouldn’t matter, yet in both cases it clearly does?


To those who claim gay marriage erodes the institution of holy matrimony…

Hasn’t marriage been defiled for centuries — considering the societal acceptance of adultery, no-fault divorce, irreconcilable differences, etc.?  I mean, isn’t the primary idea that the earthly concept of marriage has long veered from what was historically presented as God’s design?


To those who claim that we need to accept all people as they are…

Are you accepting of the persons who don’t believe we need to accept all people as they are?  I mean, if not, aren’t you contradicting your own argument?


To those who claim that “fairness” is a justification for economic policy…

How do you wrestle with the fact that the full manifestation of economic fairness equates to socialism and then Marxism?  I mean, are you comfortable with that reality — or do you feel government will always limit the extent of its control?


To Hollywood…

Do you really believe you’re in touch with the American values as to what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable?  I mean, if so, how does that impact your movie content — and for those of you who are often rude to persons holding contrary opinion, do you believe that’s noble, too?


To those who believe George Zimmerman, the Neighborhood Watch shooter of Trayvon Martin, is innocent…

Do you realize that reportedly, Trayvon Martin had only Skittles and iced tea in his possession?  


To those who believe Trayvon Martin is innocent?

Do you realize that reportedly, George Zimmerman had multiple injuries to his eyes, nose, and back of head? 


And to those who believe that either Zimmerman or Martin is completely innocent?

Do you realize that since none of us were there, we may never know exactly what happened?  I mean, could you… would you… be ok with that?  Are we as a public ok with not knowing all?


To Pres. Obama & Gov. Romney…

What are you planning on doing during a 1st or 2nd term that you’re not sharing publicly?  I mean, what kind of rhetorical spin are you utilizing that’s intended to make your desired policy more popular than it really is?


And our concluding, FAQ lightning round…


Washington:  why haven’t you passed a budget in 3 years?

Supreme Court:  are you ever politically motivated?

Pres. Obama:  if VP Biden & Co. hadn’t put pressure on you, when and what would you have said about same-sex marriage?

Gov. Romney:  how do you feel about gay marriage?

John Edwards:  what were you thinking?

Ron Paul:  will you ever stop running for president?

Hillary:  are you satisfied being Sec. of State?

Greece/California:  did you really believe you could continually spend more that you took in without ever experiencing a negative consequence?

U.S. law enforcement:  why are you using drones for surveillance on American citizens?

Mary Kennedy (estranged wife of RFK, Jr.):  why did you kill yourself yesterday?

Junior Seau:  why did you kill yourself?


Some questions will never be answered.  Others are just far too uncommon.

