the day after…

Since absolutely none of us have cornered the market on wisdom, let us simply encourage a few significant things this day… things we believe to be of foremost prudence and importance…

Love your neighbor well.

Seek to understand them.

Refrain from judgment.

Refrain from any salt-putting in wounds. Gloating is never attractive.

Know majorities portray popularity — not necessarily wisdom. 

Watch the insults.

Maybe stay off social media. Watch the regular media, too; the bias is bad and not always admitted. This isn’t news, friends..

Know when to speak and when to be silent. 

Put yourself not only in another’s shoes — but in the shoes of many. 

Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.

Treat everyone with dignity.

Honor whoever is in authority.

No shame. Ever.

Work for unity; know that unity doesn’t mean others finally come to think like me.

And remember there are things — people and relationships, family and faith — that are far more important. They always will be.

Friends, the reality is this election will come and go. Don’t over index to the moment.

And for the record, I wrote this post prior to any public results. I actually wrote it days ago.

Why? And why still post?

Because I’d say the exact same thing… today, tomorrow and all the days after that.

Respectfully, peacefully, and desiring to be honoring of all…