
I wrote this post about Thanksgiving… about all we have to be thankful for… and I had lists of all the places and spaces where we need to humbly submit ourselves and give God thanks… where we need to recognize we’re not in control… where we need to give credit to the power and presence that designed us, created us, and still empowers us today — thanking him for all the awesome things which he has so generously bestowed upon us.


We can be such an arrogant people.  I can be arrogant!  We like to do so many things for ourselves… we think we’re so smart… think we’re so intelligent… think we have no need of any higher power.  Geepers.  I am learning.  I hope we all are.


My encouragement today is thus simple:  slow down.  Pause.  Quit filling up all the empty moments of our day with app’s and applications and people and policy and effort and activity.  Quit investing in criticism.  Take time instead to be still… to rest… to think… to think of others… to give thanks.


My related “a-ha” is that we’re typically too busy to give thanks; our busy-ness actually gets in the way.  We spend so much time doing — even doing good things — but all that doing keeps us from giving thanks to someone bigger than ourselves.


So slow down.  Give thanks.  Let’s be intentional.


Happy Thanksgiving… with an awareness of the incredible blessing God makes available to all…

