

I’m a little cranky today.  Sorry.  I didn’t say I was embracing any disrespect.  I simply, transparently shared that my mood is more prone to rant than reflection.  Thus, I respectfully, crankily opine…


I don’t understand why we so often focus on things of lesser importance…

I don’t understand why we can’t all get along…

I don’t understand why celebrities and sportsmen are paid exorbitant dollars while preachers and teacher tow behind…

I don’t understand how some scream “racism,” but oft seem racist in their own expression…

I don’t understand hypocrisy… period… how rampant it is… especially among the elect…

I don’t understand the supporters who only wish to proclaim hypocrisy in an opponent…

I don’t understand dishonesty…

I don’t understand the name-calling — especially by seemingly highly intelligent people…

I don’t understand this continued spending-of-what-we-don’t-have-cycle… geepers… that seems to me to be Accounting 101…

Again… I don’t understand why Democrats and Republicans can’t all get along… nor Cowboys and Indians… Patriots and Broncos…  I get along with my diverse friends…

I don’t understand why football is so important, especially since last I checked, it was still a game…

I don’t understand how we can spend so much money on sports and entertainment, but forget about the starving children in the world…

I don’t understand why government sometimes seems to think we can’t think for ourselves…

I don’t understand why they often think they have to control us…

I don’t understand why they think they have a right to so much of our money…

I don’t understand how when they take so much of our money, they still expect us to trust them…

I don’t understand how some give nothing away…

I don’t understand how a country that was founded on religious freedom sometimes wishes to be free from all religion…

I don’t understand why every current, new political issue has to be labeled “equality” for someone or something…

I don’t understand how polling data is often the justification for manipulation…

I don’t understand the lack of integrity…

I don’t understand why we keep forgetting that life is short and thus it’s important to live it ethically and well…


I suppose if we did live life ethically and well, we may actually understand…


… and of course, be less cranky.


Respectfully… always… yep…


2 Replies to “cranky”

  1. Some things in life just are not understandable my friend. We live in a flawed, human world, where there are so many negative influences. Every one trips up and fails. Hopefully, people, communities, corporations, and governments, continue to learn and evolve through the experiences of righteousness and truth. Things, Fame, and Wealth are the three simple rules the world lives by, whereas Christians hopefully strive to live by God’s three simple rules, Love, Honesty, Generosity. It’s okay to put on your crabby pants instead of your big girl pants some days! 🙂 Love your transparency. Love you!

  2. Ahhhh…..I have heard that the rest of eternity is a bit more sense my logical friend. You do deserve to be cranky esp. with your nutty weather.

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