my bro’

Yesterday my younger brother got married.


My family is both thankful and proud.


In preparation for today, the officiating pastor asked us siblings what qualities we most admire in our brother.  There’s lots I could say about Stun.


He’s witty…

He’s wise…

He’s athletic…

He’s strong…

He’s God-fearing…

He’s God honoring…

He’s loyal and faithful…

When he isn’t multi-tasking at all those activities he is so good at, he’s an excellent listener and a cherished friend.

It’s fun to be “on the other end of Stun.”


Let me also say this…


Stun is an elected politician.


I’ll add this…


Stun is the kind of person that should be an elected politician.


I humbly opine such because Stun is a man of integrity.  He’s authentic; he’s real.  His “yes” means “yes” and his “no” means “no.”


He doesn’t toe the line if it violates his moral compass; in other words, he doesn’t vote a specific way simply because someone tells him — or expects him — to.  Friends, that is the kind of person we need in office.  That is the kind of person who actually represents us well.


We don’t need any more persons in office who simply cast a robotic ballot, prompted by political engrainment and special interest paybacks.  We don’t need any more persons in office who spend and spend with no specific, measurable plan to pay it back.  We don’t need any more persons in office who give great speeches, but still seem only to care for small percentages of the country.  We don’t need any more persons in office who are prideful and arrogant — or who only listen to the likeminded.  We don’t need any more persons in office who only listen to themselves.  We need persons in office who are ethical, humble, teachable, smart, God-fearing, and without a doubt, men and women of integrity.


My brother got married yesterday.


I’m so proud of him.


Proud of him in office.  Prouder still of who he is.




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