the annual (edited) night before Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house…

The Intramuralist won’t rhyme as much this year — no, not a louse.


Allow me to share instead what Christmas is about.

First, though, what it’s not…


It’s not about pomp or politics or public display.

It’s not about singers or any old familiar carols play.

It’s not about correctness.

It’s also not about superficialness.


It has nothing to do with celebrity…

No “Duck Dynasty,” activist groups, nor Miley Cyrus festivity.


It has little to do with self… self-focus… or an “all about me” mentality…


Christmas instead has everything to do with a humble manger, humble birth, and a heartfelt response.


If the Messiah of the world was born in that stable some 2000 years ago — and there exist exponentially more records of that event than there exist of any manuscript of Homer’s, Plato’s, or Aristotle’s — each a work we teach to be true — then that birth requires a response.


Will our response be to really wrestle with it?

Or will we disregard and look away?


If Jesus Christ is who he says he is — and did what so many say he did — then how will we each respond?


How will we respond?

How will we wrestle with the reality?


In humility… in worship… in wonder?


Great questions, friends… challenging for each of us.


From my house to yours — from my computer to yours, the Intramuralist wishes you the peace, joy, and hope that so uniquely girds this season.  May your days be merry, your moments be bright, and may you find yourself engaging in amazing, authentic wonder.


Blessings to all… and to all, yes, a good night…