chalkboard_by_lorelinde-d8u2l4gMy mother has long talked to me about the blank chalkboards in each of our lives. Here it is… behind us… blank… just waiting to be written upon. Time for new markings — sometimes with a little dust leftover from the eraser — but new markings, nonetheless. The beautiful time to write is now.

My older son no doubt felt that empowering chalkboard behind him when he left for year one in college last fall; he was well aware and excited for the unique opportunity ahead of him.

My middle son is currently sensing the chalkboard  — at least politically; he’s enrolled in AP Government.

Let me first diffuse a bit of my facetious facade… JT’s class selection certainly pales in comparison to his older brother’s whole new set up and surroundings. Relevant, however, to our Intramuralist postings, my middle son is learning all about government and politics; he’s seeing the big picture — and all the little nuances — all, comprehensively, for the first time. Note: it will not be me who does the writing upon his beautiful, blank chalkboard.

He observes.
He processes.
He asks questions and more questions — and then comes to his own conclusions…

Is democracy the wisest form of government?

Do people realize that a democratic republic is different than pure democracy?

Why would someone consistently support spending more money than they take in?

What lives do we protect and what lives don’t we? Why the difference?

How is it that politicians can promise free college without a way to pay for it?

Where is the limit to taxation?

How can a person claim to be tolerant but then be intolerant of the one who thinks different than they do?

Why do these guys stay in office so long? Why are there not term limits?

What is despotism?

How involved should government be in creating social policy?

How did Christianity influence our Constitution? What was our founders’ desire?

What’s the definition of the separation of Church and State? Does it really exist?

How do people misconstrue the Constitution?

Is that Executive Order legal? Do presidents know they can’t legislate? Does the Supreme Court know they can’t legislate?

Do people realize the foolishness in politicizing EVERYTHING?


Is there anything else we should be declaring our independence from?

I’m thankful this day my son isn’t quite ready to claim full independence from me… although it’s not my job to do all the writing on his chalkboard.

The beauty is that the younger generation gets to fill it in on their own. We get the privilege of watching them grow.
