talking some gorsuch

You know (… and for the record, I know “you know” isn’t the wisest way to begin a blog post…), but you know, I don’t mind talking about politics. Granted, I don’t always like politics, but I don’t mind talking about it. I don’t mind talking about politics or even the icky, sticky, controversial issues, as long, of course, as it’s done respectfully.

What I do mind are (1) the inability to talk about political issues — when ignorance, intolerance, or some other attitude or emotion shuts down all other points of view — and (2) playing politics.

In that context, I’d like to “talk some Gorsuch” today. While I often chuckle with the proper noun sounding more like some foreign, foreign language to me, I instead speak of Neil Gorsuch, the 49 year old federal appellate judge and current candidate for the U.S. Supreme Court.

Before we can “talk some Gorsuch,” we need to address two additional, relevant aspects. First, we need to remember the procedure for affirming a Supreme Court justice. Second, we need to acknowledge the judicial ongoings of the past year.

First, as set forth by the Constitution, candidates for the high court are nominated by the President, with the “Advice and Consent of the Senate” necessary for appointment. Note that the Constitution does not set forth any actual qualifications for service; therefore, the President may nominate the person of his choice.

While not everyone nominated by the President has received a floor vote in the Senate, a nominee’s confirmation may be prolonged via the filibuster. Regardless, the Senate typically confirms the President’s nominee unless there exist serious, outstanding questions and concerns. Ideological differences or dislike for the nominating President are characteristically not enough to deny confirmation. (ie. Pres. Ronald Reagan’s nominee, Justice Anthony Kennedy, was confirmed in ’88 by a vote of 97-0; Pres. Bill Clinton’s nominee, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, was confirmed in ’93 by a vote of 96-3; and the last nominee to be rejected was in 1987.)

Second, remember what happened solely one year ago. Justice Antonin Scalia was considered as “the intellectual anchor for the originalist and textualist position in the Court’s conservative wing,” but he passed away unexpectedly in February of 2016. As is his purview, President Obama then nominated appellate judge Merrick Garland to succeed Scalia. Noting that ideological differences are not disqualifiers, Garland was fully qualified to be the next member of the Supreme Court. Senate Republican leadership denied him both hearings and a vote; they denied Garland’s mere consideration as a justice, proclaiming the next president should make the choice… a president, who would be inaugurated almost a year later.

In the Intramuralist’s semi-humble but honest opinion, the Senate Republican leadership played politics. There were no serious, outstanding concerns regarding Garland.

Now to “talking Gorsuch”…

Like Scalia, Neil Gorsuch is a proponent of textualism and originalism of the Constitution. His fairness and temperament have been raved about from all sides of the proverbial, partisan aisle. By all accounts, Gorsuch is also fully qualified to be the next member of the Supreme Court. The Senate Democratic leadership, however, has decided this week to oppose him.

In the Intramuralist’s again semi-humble but honest opinion, the Senate Democratic leadership is taking its turn, playing politics.

So now the Republican leadership in the Senate plans to change the rules in lowering the threshold for the number of votes necessary for confirmation. Before the immediate grimace at the obvious, partisan rule manipulation, note that the Democratic leadership changed the threshold rules three years ago when they were in the majority. Unfortunately, though, too many of us only jeer or cheer based on who is doing the rule changing. If it was wrong for one, it’s wrong for both, and thus, neither party can claim to be handling the confirmation process with total honesty, integrity, and even semi-humility.

Friends, I have no desire to be harsh; it’s simply that the Intramuralist so desires what is good and true and right. The challenge is when either the Republicans or Democrats play politics, they each engage in something less than that.

Let me be clear:  both parties too often engage in something less than what is good, true, and right.

Wanting something more… wanting something better… always, regardless of party…


One Reply to “talking some gorsuch”

  1. I appreciate your open dialogue about the Supreme Court nominee.
    However I don’t think you took the thought far enough. Yes, both parties are guilty of playing “politics” with the nominees and the rules of the Senate. But I would like to bring in a different line of thought. It is now and has been for years that both parties are working for only one thing, themselves. The American taxpayer is expected to fund every “pork” project, every illegal, every State, City and anything else that will make the re-election of a House member of Senate member easier or give him/her something to “bring home” to his/her constituency.
    The politicians look only at re-election. They never take into consideration what is right for our country. They have bastardized our Constitution. Everything they do is for self.

    How do our Congress members become millionaires on a salary of $175,000? Where does that money come from? Who gives them the money? Who controls the newest members? Who controls the votes?
    Do some investigation and you will find the answers! It is all out there. It will make you sick to find out that your vote counts for very little. The system is rigged.

    What does this have to do with the Supreme Court nominee? Plenty!
    With Term Limits for Congress the Representatives and Senators would have a limited time to leave a mark. They would work for good for the country as they would have to go back to work and live under the laws they pass just as we have to. And there would sit the Supreme Court Justices passing judgement on those laws. Right now they don’t care as they have the money for re-election. If, when they left office, they had to turn all of their campaign money to the respective party they would re-enter society as they started. Supreme Court Justices should also have Term Limits with the same conditions. They could go back to being lawyers.

    Americans are tired of being taken advantage of by Washington D.C.

    Thank you for the opportunity to vent.

    T.C, Greenwood, IN

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