the united states of america


“That the flag was still there”… in the United States of America…

The flag was still there in 1814, after Francis Scott Key watched British ships bombard the Baltimore Harbor, penning his infamous poem.

The flag was still there in 1991, only 10 days into the Persian Gulf War, when Whitney Houston offered perhaps the most rousing rendition ever of our National Anthem.

That’s the thing. Regardless of what any attempt to do to our country, the flag is still there. Regardless of the level of heartache or absence of immediate hope, the flag is still there. Regardless of the actions of any, the flag remains still there.

Fifteen years ago, 2977 people woke up, grabbed their coffee, breakfast bar, and other items in their morning routine, walked out the door, not knowing their lives would end that day. Their lives would intentionally end at the hands of 19 men, motivated by pure evil. The youngest victim was 18 that day… the oldest, 79. Multiple unborn babies also died in the attacks.

Those people, who paid with their lives, they are the heroes. They are the ones deserving our attention today.

Those heroes did not choose their role in history. And that, I suppose, is where the men and women of Flight 93 make a difference to me. Of all the angles and details and people and perspectives surrounding 9/11, I can’t stop thinking about United Airlines Flight 93.

Unlike those aboard the planes that hit the Pentagon and Twin Towers, the passengers traveling on Flight 93 were aware of what was looming; they had called friends and loved ones after the hijackers took over, and thus, they knew that other planes had been used to target specific buildings in order to create huge casualties. Hence, with the hijackers controlling the plane in the cockpit, the men and women aboard Flight 93 gathered in the back of the plane and voted. They honored each other with the simplest, most democratic act; they voted. They voted on whether to act or not… to allow themselves to be used as another missile to kill the masses… or… to take on the hijackers. At approximately 9:57 a.m. on September 11, 2001, the passenger revolt began. The passengers attempted to force their way into the cockpit.

It is not known for certain whether or not the passengers’ breach of the cockpit was successful. It is known, however, that these brave men and women — these heroes — halted the intent of the terrorists.

I’ve often wondered what went through the heads and hearts of those men and women. Surely they knew there was a strong likelihood they would pay with their lives. While it may have been their only grim stab at survival, there also seems embedded in their act the realization that they knew this was bigger than them. If they did not take on the terrorists, far more people would die.

That, my friends, is patriotism.

That is worth paying attention to.

The beautiful thing after 9/11 — which remains prominent this day, even amidst our continued heartache, strife, and societal tensions — is that the flag is still there.

No one can remove the “united” that stands in our name.


so much to learn

A photo by Lacie Slezak.

Man, I have so much to learn.

Time and time again, I think I forget that simple but profound concept… 

I have so much to learn.

As I feel like I’ve said more frequently these days, let me not throw you under the bus along with me; I’ll stick with myself. I’ve just got so much to learn.

At first glance, I suppose, we amen, acknowledge solidarity, and wholeheartedly agree. But then one passionate issue or event comes along, and we throw all that humble recognition right out the nearest window…

Someone lies…

Someone offends us…

Someone sits for the National Anthem…

Someone is killed in police custody…

Someone is found guilty…

Someone is found innocent…

Or maybe someone runs for President that we can’t stand…

Yes, sometimes I throw my recognition of having so much more to learn right out the nearest window, forgetting that my perspective is limited… that I cannot — and am incapable — of seeing and knowing it all.

Let’s face it…

Even those of us with 20/20 vision and great peripheral sight, still have not eyes in the back of our heads. If something happens behind us that potentially alters our perspective, we are totally incapable of seeing it — even if we are the most brilliant person on Earth.

True, we have likeminded observers, who may stand behind us; supposedly, they can see for us. But their view, too, is also skewed.

Because their eyes are not our eyes, because their brain does not process identically to our brain, since we are each uniquely, wonderfully, and fearfully made, the crafting of perspective though the eyes of another still serves as a filter; it does not give us complete “omnivision.” In fact, we never have “omnivision.”

Too often — and again, let me speak for myself — I equate my perspective with “omnivision” — this idea that I can somehow see and comprehend all things in all ways or places. I allow either my intelligence, emotion, or experience to justify the existence of the facade. But friends, omnivision doesn’t exist.

We must continuously put ourselves in the shoes of another — not adopting another’s perspective as complete truth, but adding their perspective to our own. Note that even with that addition, our perspective remains incomplete.

I wonder how the national conversation would change, if everyone realized their perspective was incomplete…

I wonder how it would change if everyone realized that intelligence, emotion, and experience do not serve as justification for believing our perspective is actually, somehow complete…

My guess is that we’d be a little more humble, solution would be a little more frequent, and social media would be a far more pleasant place to be.

Oh, yes, we have so much to learn.

(Did I say “we”?)



the cookie sabotage

Pension Jägerhof

I think we get so rattled up about the wrong things.

Please understand me. It’s ok to agree, disagree, or have an opinion. In fact, dare I say, it’s ok to express that opinion — albeit we could all do a little better job of articulating such in a way that doesn’t disrespect someone.

But sometimes possessing that opinion rattles us… we have to burst… we get so anxious or worked up inside about the behavior of someone else, we can’t let it go.

I’d like to see us all — well, ok, at least me — I’d like to do a better job letting it go.

Years ago, we used to visit my mother-in-law maybe three, four times a year. It was never as much as we — or perhaps she — would have liked, but she never complained. She always seemed just grateful to be with us. We lived four hours away from one another.

As typical especially on those weekends, she showed her love and thankfulness to us in so many varied ways… an added touch, maybe a surprise gift, or just very intentional, sweet conversation, often lasting late into the evening, when all parties were so obviously tired but also so obviously enjoying one another.

In the mornings, she’d typically still rise earlier than the rest (I’m thinking she probably slept for two days straight after we left) and make a feast for breakfast. She’d fill the table with this succulent smorgasbord of breakfast food — eggs, bacon, sausage, bagels, toast, donuts, muffins and more. We never left breakfast hungry.

There was one morning in my initial years as a parent that I wasn’t quite as comfortable in my own skin. I couldn’t have told you that at the time; I didn’t know what I didn’t know, and I was determined to be good at this parenting gig, committed to providing my kids with the necessary physical, emotional, and spiritual guidance and foundation that would allow for them to flourish as they go forward. There are a lot of things to cover in that!

As the breakfast meal was winding down, with everyone more full than perhaps we should be but ready for the day ahead together, my mother-in-law stepped away, off to the adjacent pantry, and brought one more, small tasty item to the table — this time, with an obvious added glee.

“Cookies!” she announced.

She always loved those chocolate Pinwheels, those fudge and marshmallow, Nabisco treats; she had found a package at the nearby grocery and couldn’t wait to share them with my children.

A wise response would have been one of empathy and gratitude — thankful that my mother-in-law wanted to bless our kids by sharing her joy, sharing something fun with her extended family.

Want to know what my immature reaction was? Remember I’m a new parent, wanting to do this well. But I didn’t realize how indignant I could be.

I could not believe that my mother-in-law would want to ruin her grandchildren’s eating patterns — my kids’ — by giving them all that sugar for breakfast! How could she? What was she thinking?! Why would she try to sabotage my honorable attempts to raise these kids right?! She was related to them, too!

In other words, I took my mother-in-law’s loving attempt as a personal offense. I could not see it for what it was because I was so focused on me and what I believed and wanted to do. I got totally rattled up. And I justified an offense when there was none. Let me say that again: I justified an offense when there was none.

Oh, I wish I would have known then what I know now. I wish my mother-in-law was still here, blessing our entire extended family with her simple, gracious and gleeful acts of kindness.

And I wish I would have realized it was ok for each of us to eat those Pinwheels… maybe even two.


hopes & crowns


With the most frequent conversation this week posed somewhere along the lines of either (a) the relationship between patriotism and protest, (b) the right of free speech vs. disrespect of law enforcement and the military, and (c) the consistency within the combination of our public and private behavior, did you notice what we did not talk about?

There was no conversation centering on Clinton or Trump.
(Ah… it’s telling how refreshing that is…)

As no subject is intentionally avoided on our blog, allow me to share with you a bottom line observation: while there exist pockets of people here and there who are very excited about one of the above candidates (and a fewer number excited about Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson), the overall enthusiasm is significantly lesser for the entire 2016 presidential field. Gallup has been consistently reporting significant lows for all in response to agreement with the statement that “there is a candidate running who would make a good president.”

Personally, I have peace regardless. Why? Because we are electing a “president” — not attempting to discern who is God nor crowning some kind of king or queen. That gives me peace.

Recently, no less, while on my recent respite, one guest writer shared a delayed entry with me. While the expressions of another may or may not be held by the Intramuralist, I appreciate his genuine offering of hope. Hope, my friends, is part of what we all crave. He suggested the following commentary regarding our choice this coming November:

“I’m watching this election season with both despair and at the same time some amount of hope. The despair is obvious because both of the candidates at the top of the tickets are so tainted that we will need to take a collective bath as a nation after it the dust settles. The first candidate is obviously qualified by virtue of being in the inner sanctum for so long with different roles (First lady, Senator, Secretary of State). To deny those credentials would not be part of an honest dialog. Yet it is because of the being in the inner sanctum that I’m afraid she has learned how to use the system to benefit herself and other family members. Not to mention the obvious benefits for her friends and colleagues who defend her regardless of the action or even possible crimes committed – yes, I said ‘possible crimes.’ But the media will find a way to excuse it, because it is ‘only money’ just like it was seemingly ‘only about sex’ in the 90’s.
The other candidate has had by most objective assessment great success in the business world and obviously can and seemingly will fight anyone (he took out 16 mostly capable opponents in the primary). It is the latter part of that aspect of him that scares most of his critics. Or are they really afraid that might make him win the general election, as well? I personally like a fighter, but I always want the fight to be with dignity and a good grasp of the subject knowledge. I grew up in New York City, so I understand the swagger one has to have in order to survive the tough streets of South Jamaica (where I grew up) or the corporate offices of Wall Street (where I have worked). I get it, I get it. But when you are on the national stage, you better realize that mom and pop in Cheyenne, WY or Duluth, MN may not quite understand that swagger. You are speaking to a national audience that doesn’t always ‘get it.’ I grew up with guys who all thought they were wise guys (regardless of ethnicity). All those guys today have mellowed. I’m hoping what I have seen in the last week that this guy, too, can mellow so people can hear the message he has.
So where is the hope you ask? Well, I do believe that we are truly one nation under God, and we will survive this as we have every other election cycle. As Paul said to the Corinthians in II Corinthians (not ‘Two Corinthians’ – sorry I couldn’t resist), ‘We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. Always be hopeful.’”

Always be hopeful. That’s something we each can wrap our minds around.

So where does your hope come from? From a president, king, or queen?

Let’s hope not.


the world is not our stage


With the recent acts of questionable protest and patriotism, it got me thinking. (Ok, true — I think a lot.) But I return to where this week’s conversation started: what are we focused on?

Many are focused on the NFL quarterback who refuses to stand for the national anthem.

For some, the reaction is disgust. For a seemingly lesser few, it’s a “way to go.” For most, no less, it seems a “you have that right, but that’s the wrong way to show it” (… see Kaepernick, birthmother…).

With Colin Kaepernick suggesting his motive is to support African-Americans and people of color, It causes me to think about how we best support other people — the way in which our support and good deeds are done… the way in which we make a significant difference.

Kaepernick — and let me add a semi-subtle caveat here, as my perspective is so limited, and I have no desire to be judgmental — but Kaepernick has said he is protesting until people of color are no longer “oppressed” and until the flag means what it “should.” He has a right to that expression; and we each have a right to agree or disagree with his behavior.

I wonder about that behavior. I mean, is this all he does?

Again, let me not be judgmental. But I wonder… he sits when all eyes are on him. When the world is watching, he takes a stand of support. So what does he do when the public is not watching?

… does he get involved? … does he volunteer? … does he invest in community relations? … does he utilize his celebrity status to bring police and various ethnic communities together?

And… does he use any of his $19 million salary to support the causes for which he says he is passionate?

In other words, are his public and private behavior aligned?

One of the things I appreciate is how so much of the ancient scriptures have become accepted truth. We don’t always recognize that — and sometimes, we fight against them, wanting to figure wisdom out on our own a bit — but typically, we find wisdom already, generously provided. When I focus on the big picture here, the following wisdom comes to mind:

“Be especially careful when you are trying to be good so that you don’t make a performance out of it. It might be good theater, but the God who made you won’t be applauding.

When you do something for someone else, don’t call attention to yourself. You’ve seen them in action, I’m sure — ‘playactors’ I call them — treating prayer meeting and street corner alike as a stage, acting compassionate as long as someone is watching, playing to the crowds. They get applause, true, but that’s all they get. When you help someone out, don’t think about how it looks. Just do it — quietly and unobtrusively. That is the way your God, who conceived you in love, working behind the scenes, helps you out.”

The world, my friends, is not our stage.

We are not the stars.

We have been blessed with communities and cultures that provide beautiful opportunity to support and sharpen one another. We need to help the least of these. We need to support and care for one another, especially the oppressed.

Some will say, no doubt, that Kaepernick is doing good by utilizing his celebrity as leverage. There’s a valid point in that; he’s getting people’s attention. That then is where how he spends his time and money also comes into question.

Am I consistent in how I care for others? Are my public and private behaviors consistent with one another?

Or… am I utilizing the world as my stage?


bugged & unpopular


Calling this a post a perspective on the freedom of speech isn’t entirely accurate. That’s a bit too simplified.

Do we believe in it? Do we not? Said freedom is embedded in our Constitution, although U.S. courts have often struggled to define what it means and what it does not. The legal definition is: “The right, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, to express beliefs and ideas without unwarranted government restriction.” We don’t have a right to scream about a fictional fire in a crowded theater, but we do have the right to express the unpopular. The challenge is that we don’t like the unpopular.

In recent days, two key freedom of speech scenarios have received ample attention (although true, one could make the case as to whether such are so deserving).

First… as previously referenced, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has refused to stand for the National Anthem during preseason games. Said Kaepernick, “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football, and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

Kaepernick rose to fame when only a few months after his first NFL start, as a second year player, he led his team to the Super Bowl. San Francisco then had high hopes for the young, articulate star. However, in the three years since, after signing a multi-million dollar contract, questionable behavior and poor play have led a lesser role on the team for him. He is (was) no longer the focal point of their team.

And second… the University of Chicago sent a letter to all incoming freshmen, quite different from the more stereotypical, anodyne letters sent to new students across the country. Said the Dean of Students, John Ellison, “Our commitment to academic freedom means that we do not support so-called trigger warnings, we do not cancel invited speakers because their topics might prove controversial, and we do not condone the creation of intellectual ‘safe spaces’ where individuals can retreat from ideas and perspectives at odds with their own.”

Both Colin Kaepernick and the University of Chicago are advocating for free speech. It looks different, manifests itself differently, prompts different angles and questions, but both are advocating for the right of a person to express their beliefs and ideas without unwarranted government restriction.

Both are also advocating for what to many, may be perceived, as the unpopular.

Here’s the bottom line of today’s post (… and this is why we began by opining that it wouldn’t be accurate to label today’s post as simply questioning the freedom of speech; there’s more to it than that)…

I think most of us believe in free speech — albeit only to a point. And that point isn’t the crowded theater and the fictional “fire” chant; the point is that expressions of free speech are unpopular — and often we want that squelched.

I’ll admit… Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand during “The Star-Spangled Banner” bugs me. Our anthem isn’t about policemen; it isn’t about race, ethnicity or religion. It’s about what American servicemen and women have defended for centuries — here, there, from the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli. It’s about what other people have sacrificed for you and me.

However, as much I believe Kaepernick’s behavior is disrespectful, I believe in his freedom to express his opinion in a way that hurts no one (but potentially himself). It is precisely because of our honorable servicemen and women that Kaepernick has that freedom.

Others, no doubt, are bugged by the Chicago school’s stance… how dare they! … it’s not politically correct… it’s insensitive!

I agree. I agree that expressing unpopular opinion can be insensitive. Insensitive, however, does not necessitate the extinguishing of freedom — not in Chicago, not in San Francisco.

Granted, it still might bug me.


two quotes


My recent time away allowed for some increased observation. It’s a fun exercise… you sit back, relax, take a little bit of extra time, maybe where never intended…

Breathe, say very little, refrain from comment…

You watch what everyone else is doing. You watch it. Consider it. No judgment.

I’m not talking about the quirkish, cultural sport of people watching; you know the one… you select a solid location… stay unobtrusive… watch with good intent… etc., etc., etc. (note: part of that was borrowed from “Wiki’s How to Do Anything”… can you believe it? We actually have an available guide as to “How to Begin People Watching.”).

What I more observed was what people are talking about — what we’re focused on.

Put away for a moment all Trump and Clinton conversation. Sorry, but this has become a little too much for me. We’re electing a president — not deciding who is king or God (… who, by the way, never runs against any noteworthy suitor).

Over the past three weeks, people have focused on much…

On Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte — and was he or was he not, robbed in Rio at gunpoint…

On the release of “Suicide Squad,” DC Comic’s latest, greatest theatrical release, where a team of dangerous criminals are utilized as supposedly disposable assets in high-risk missions for the United States government… (… am I the only one who isn’t that comfortable doing anything under the potential promotion of “suicide”?)…

And then there was this past weekend… on the NFL quarterback who refused to stand during the National Anthem, suggesting that he’s intentionally protesting an oppressive country… (… never mind that his past behavior has been questionable)…

It’s amazing to me what we focus on.

I’ll grant you this: sometimes the media drives — or attempts to drive — our focus. I really dislike that. There’s too much bias in our media.

All that said, I don’t think as a culture, we’re all that wise on what we focus on. Two reasons why… and finally… today’s two quotes… from two wonderfully wise ones…


“Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious — the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.”

And second…

“Whatever we pay attention to, grows.”

Put those together. I have a feeling — granted, just a feeling — that we are paying attention to a whole lot of things that are growing, but are not that noble, reputable, best, beautiful, or wise…

I wonder why… I wonder how life would be different if our focus was, too…


I’m back


For the past three and half weeks, we’ve had the great privilege and pleasure of hearing multiple perspectives and passions from people I deeply respect. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: respect is more important than consensus. Respect implies that we are listening. Respect implies that we will consider an angle that is different than the one we’ve currently adopted. As a wise friend recently shared, two people can look at the same number and conclude two totally different things; both will believe with certainty they are entirely correct. One will say it’s a “6”; the other will say it’s a “9.” Note: the angle matters.

The angles shared via our annual Guest Writers Series prompted me to ponder anew…

With passions and perspectives not necessarily my own, I found myself thinking about sacrifice, salvation, and if and how I evaluate the cost of my own behavior…

I thought about climate change, adoption, and how much our children matter…

Also, I wrestled with the aching thought of those who go hungry each night…

I hugged my new puppy tighter… I found myself with increased gratitude for the community that surrounds me… and I was challenged anew to be more others focused, consistently offering grace to the holders of diverse opinion.

Let me camp there for a moment. I feel as if I must offer a bit of a personal apology, as God continues to grow and stretch me in refreshing, albeit not always immediately appreciated (by me) ways…

I don’t think I always offer consistent, generous grace.

Hear me on this. Sometimes I withhold it.

Sometimes my opinion is so deep or so engrained or so embedded in my soul and psyche, that I struggle to give the generous grace that accompanies respect. I forget that people look at “6” and “9” differently, even though their angle seems wholly accurate.

There was a moment during this brief semi-humble blogger’s respite, when I found myself justifying my lack of grace. Typically that lack of grace stems from my refusal to look at another as equally, wonderfully created by the great big God of the universe. I was humbled by that reality. That reality prompts the extension of grace.

And yet, I think we are selective withholders.

Don’t let me throw you under the bus along with me. I’ll focus on self…

For example (… and this is not the most popular thing to say…)… but both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were created by God, just like me. They deserve the same extensions of grace.

I get it… They don’t deserve it; or at least one of them doesn’t. But there. I did it again. I justified the withholding of grace. 

One of the beauties of our annual Guest Writers Series, is that we come face-to-face with the fact that there is so much more to learn. No, we don’t have it all figured out… and that might be the second most unpopular thing said this day.

But the beauty is that we’re all in this together. No better. No worse.

We are all, thus, in need of great grace… a grace, perhaps most visible on the Intramuralist via our commitment to respect.

Allow me a special shout out to our 10 guest writers. I so appreciate your offering and your prompts to think deeper, even when I didn’t share your passion or perspective. Thank you most, though, for modeling that grace.

Respectfully… and thankful to be back… I look forward to what’s next…

village people


[Today is post #10 in our annual, summer Guest Writer Series. Note that the opinions expressed may or may not be held by the Intramuralist.]


“It takes a village to raise a child.” — African proverb

Years ago following this African proverb was the norm for most families. I’m not sure exactly when the shift from this happened. However, currently our society operates in a completely opposite manner. What I mean is if you tell a child at the park or in your neighborhood who is doing wrong — like destroying property or bullying — you’d have a wildly mad parent at how dare you correct their darling delinquent. In attempt to be transparent, I want to be honest. Parenting is hard. In books and on TV, you see the myth of supermom displayed more than the realistic version of moms crying, screaming, being discouraged and full of self doubt… Moms who long to feel loved and appreciated.

It’s said that moms are cruel to each other and bullying is at an all time high. However, it’s not just an issue with children. Adults are ruthless at cyberbullying. I recently read an eye-opening blog, where the author said we must stop the blame and shame epidemic. We must rally around each other in times of struggle. We must stop thinking we know what’s best for someone else’s situation.

Let me circle my wagon back to the point I was trying to make…

When the village way of parenting was practiced, families lived close, you knew your neighbors, and could count on them as an extra set of eyes. Neighborhood watch was not only for crime but also for parenting help. When I was young — and out playing at a neighbor’s house or even on the street — and their parents gave me a corrective order, I did it. Now if that would happen, you’d mostly get a rude comment and a visit from angry parents. I understand families are more spread out and it’s harder to have those extra people in your life. But trust me; it’s so worth finding some extra adults to invest in your kids. Find some trusted friends and make them your village! Talk it over; find the support and encouragement you need.

Recently a fellow mom whom I’m friends with on social media messaged me. She saw on a page of one of her friends, calling out a group of boys for bullying and encouraging this mom’s daughter to commit suicide. The girl’s mom had my son listed. She sent me the post saying she knew I’d want to know… and I did.

I messaged the girl’s mom and respectfully asked her to send me proof. The proof she sent was nowhere near what she claimed; it was certainly rude of my son, but not anything more. I corrected my son, telling him foul language was not acceptable nor was being rude and unkind going to be tolerated. I insisted the mom remove his name and post an apology — which she did. I then messaged the mom who alerted me of the situation, thanking her for help and telling her the problem had been resolved. It takes a village.

We have a small, extended family, so we asked our friends to be Godparents to our boys — someone they could go to that we knew would give similar, wise advice, and persons our boys would always see as “someone in their corner.”

They are our “village.”

Find yours… it’s so worth it.


together we can solve hunger


[Today is post #9 in our annual, summer Guest Writer Series. Note that the opinions expressed may or may not be held by the Intramuralist.]


How can so many people be going hungry in a country that throws away so much food?

When we think about hunger, our thoughts typically jump to third world countries. And world hunger is an important issue. But hunger is an epidemic right here at home.

The statistics are staggering: 48.1 million people in the United States are food insecure. I say food insecure instead of hungry because we’re all a little bit hungry from time to time. Food insecurity means insufficient access to enough food to live a healthy active lifestyle. And that’s 1 in 7 people in America, the world’s only “superpower.”

Even worse, that number includes 15.3 million children; 1 in 5 children in the United States of America does not have enough food to eat. And a child who doesn’t know where their next meal is coming from has such a harder time succeeding in school and growing up to become a productive member of society. They are doomed to a live a life of poverty through no fault of their own. They just lost the lottery of what zip code into which they were born.

But here’s the kicker: this country throws away 40% of the food we produce, over 35 million tons of food annually. Over 1 billion pounds of fresh produce are plowed under each year, never harvested. This would be enough food to feed everyone.

Read that again. The only thing we need to do literally to end hunger in our entire country is to quit throwing away food that could still be eaten by someone in need.

Fortunately, there is already a network of two hundred food banks and tens of thousands of food pantries that will do the hard work of distributing this food to people in need. They currently distribute 4 billion meals per year. But they need another 4½ billion meals. And we’re throwing that food way.

To clarify, a food pantry is a room at a church or community center where a hungry person can get a grocery sack of food to take home to their family. A food bank is a large warehouse that collects food by the truckload and keeps the food pantries supplied. When you support a food bank, you are supporting hundreds of food pantries.

And let’s clarify one more thing: those dates on the sides of packages don’t mean very much. Most call them “expiration dates,” but there isn’t anything that “expires.” Except for baby food, there is no USDA or FDA standard for food product dating. It’s more of a “freshness date,” in that manufactures want that food to be at its very best condition when you eat it, because they want you to buy it again. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with it the day after that date. So I call it the “donate date.” Food banks know how long food is safe to eat past those dates.

What can you do to help? It will take three things to end hunger – food, time, and money.

Wherever you buy groceries, ask what they do with outdated product or gently dented cans. It is a crying shame for that food to be thrown away. Patronize those who donate them, or keep after them until they do. Meat can be frozen on its package date, is still safe to eat, and can be donated. Fresh produce is usually pulled when it starts to turn, and food banks and pantries would gladly sort through it to rescue what is still good. Not only will the store be helping a great cause, it will save them disposal costs, and they get a special tax deduction donating food for hunger relief.

Food banks typically have a few dozen staff and need thousands of volunteers. And pantries are always thrilled to have additional help.

Feel free to support my food bank. But I’d love for you to support your food bank. For us, every $1 contribution provides 5 meals for people in need, which means $20 provides 100 meals, and $200 provides 1000 meals. For $150, you can feed a child every weekend for the entire school year.

If you’d like to learn more about hunger, visit my food bank’s website, To find your local food bank, go to

But this is not like cancer, asking for your support in hopes of finding a remedy someday. We already know the cure. All we need to do is to commit to never throwing away food that can still be eaten by someone in need.

Together we can solve hunger. ™


Michael P. Miller
Executive Director
River Bend Foodbank