Hear it directly from them… from those who represent No Labels, an organization that refuses to fuel the anger and divisiveness that is ruining our politics. (Allow the Intramuralist to suggest it also erodes the individual heart; no one ever becomes better or wiser by being bitter.)
We’ve spoken of No Labels often. We shared in September a frank account written by popular New York Times columnist David Brooks, speaking of the organization’s in-process approach if the primary parties continue to give us a choice between morally and/or ideologically unacceptable candidates to the majority of the people; there’s a reason approval rates are so low.
But what is it about No Labels that’s picking up steam? Why are they so attractive? Who are they? What is No Labels?
“No Labels is about bringing people together to find solutions.” — Collin Berglund, Digital Advisor
“No Labels is a movement of citizens that want their leaders to work together to solve problems.” — Nancy Jacobson, Founder & CEO
“We have folks on the left. We have folks on the right. We have folks in the center.” — Peter Orvetti, Senior Political Analyst
“No Labels is America’s best chance for political sanity.” — Holly Page, Senior Advisor
So why, Collin, Nancy, Peter, Holly, and more, why do you work for No Labels?
“I fell in love with the organization and the mission.” — McKinley Mason Scholtz, Vice President
“I fell in love with the idea of bringing people together.” — Levi Mberego, Digital Manager
“This is the work that I feel strongly that I need to do. We’ve got to keep trying, right? Because there’s no Plan B.” — Liz Morrison, Co-Executive Director
“I want to be a part of something that changes the world.” — Sarah Vielot, Operations Manager
“If we don’t talk with one another, there’s no way that we are capable of working together.” — Ann Coughlin, Scheduler
So knowing that you’re working diligently to provide the American people with a choice in 2024 in which we don’t have to doubt either the compassion, competency or radicalness of all tickets, tell us, too, what are your goals? And better yet, are they achievable?
“People in congress need to work across the aisle to get common sense solutions done. It’s really what most voters are looking for. ” — Ryan Clancy, Chief Strategist
“We created something called the ‘Problem Solvers Caucus.’ Those relationships really started to turn into legislation, like the infrastructure bill or the bipartisan Covid relief bill.” — Jacobson
“Big things that wouldn’t have happened if our leaders didn’t come together and make it happen.” — Samantha Brooks, Regional Vice President
So what happens next?
“It’s up to all of us. I mean, every person in this country, every citizen has a responsibility.” — Jacobson
“One individual really can make a difference, but lots of individuals can make a much bigger difference.” — Clancy
We’ll talk about this more, friends, especially as the divisiveness continues to sadly be encouraged from all sorts of angles. I find myself uniquely hopeful that a respectful, honest organization wants to ensure that the angriest voices quit dominating our politics. The angriest voices aren’t attractive. They don’t seem all that effective either.