end of year questions

As is no secret, the Intramuralist’s favorite punctuation mark is the question.  It’s the only grammatical device that requires a response.  In fact, if I were to momentarily embrace a tangent perspective, I would humbly suggest that the exclamation point and period are generously overused, as they invite no further conversation — and only allow for the continuance of self-focus or unchallenged opinion.


And so we find ourselves at the close of another year, with this semi-humble blogger holding onto several lingering questions, questions which may provoke strong opinion, but questions that could and should be asked, as we invite continued conversation.  It is the wise, I believe, who invite conversation, knowing that respectful challenge does not dissipate truth; respectful challenge and interaction perhaps more effectively actually unveil what is true.  Thus, we ask…


What will happen to Obamacare in 2014?  Will it be effective?  Will it be economically solvent?  Or will it drive our federal government deeper into debt, simultaneously, exponentially expanding the size of government?


Was the cancellation of individual policies and steering of persons onto government controlled plans all part of Pres. Obama’s original plan?  If not, how did he not foresee such a significant ramification?


How far does the government surveillance/spying extend?  Where is the ethical line between security and privacy?


What will the Tea Party do in 2014?  Are their ambitions all bad?  … or is it more an issue of poor articulation of opinion?  Is it both?


How can White House Press Secretary Jay Carney sleep at night?  The former Time Magazine reporter’s responses often fail to answer the question and seem like scripted rhetoric or mistruth.  (Note:  regardless of party or president, I’ve decided this may be the most obvious, public service position in which unethical behavior is tempting…) 


Will “Duck Dynasty” last?  (Note:  how does a ZZ Top-ish, Louisiana, duck-loving family even qualify as “reality tv”?)


Who, no less, will be the next celebrity or star we deem the need to silence?  How outlandish will be his or her opinion?  Why do opinions have need to be controlled?


Which activist groups will work most to squelch opinion — and which will instead embrace respectful, educating debate?


Who will run for president?  Hillary? (yes…)  Chris Christie?  (yes…)  (Note:  nonprofessional advice to Gov. Christie…  since the public is often swayed most — positively and negatively — by aspects that have nothing to do with actual, political issues  i.e. gender, ethnicity, appearance, etc. what would happen to the voters’ mass perception if Christie lost significant weight?)


How large will the federal debt climb?  Better question:  who within government has the “guts” to attempt to stop it?


In 2014, what will happen in Iran, Syria, and in other volatile nations?  Where will it be volatile?


AND… what topics will the Intramuralist cover in 2014?


Now that’s a good question…

