march madness


As several spend more time on their brackets than their business, I propose that the madness began long before March.  Thus allow me to expediently utilize the madness of the hardwood to humbly offer my entrants into what has contributed to the craze of current events.  Note that they are currently not in exact order; remember that even what some may consider a #16 seed is still allowed in the dance. We won’t all agree on the seeds nor on who/what should be included.  The following aspects, attitudes, circumstances, and events are the real contributors to March Madness… at least in 2014…


#1 Seeds:  “The Lackeys”

  1. Lack of respect for all mankind
  2. Lack of empathy & compassion
  3. Lack of humility
  4. Lack of gratitude


#2 Seeds:  “The Unwilling”

  1. An unwillingness to compromise
  2. An unwillingness to acknowledge God
  3. An unwillingness to adhere to the Constitution
  4. An unwillingness to sacrifice


#3 Seeds:  “The Selfies”

  1. Self-centeredness
  2. Self-reliance
  3. Self-focus
  4. Selfishness


#4 Seeds:  “The Shunners & Ships”

1. Discrimination

2. Reverse discrimination

3. Partisanship

4. Materialism as one’s sole ambition


#5 Seeds:  “The Ele-Ments”

  1. Entitlement
  2. Environmental disrespect
  3. The Establishment
  4. “Excrement” (feel free to substitute another word here)


#6 Seeds:  “The Dazed & Confused”

  1. The confusion between wants & needs…
  2. … wisdom & intelligence
  3. … blessing & wealth
  4. … success & celebrity


Note that violence, famine, climate, debt, disease, hopelessness, hate, fear, poverty, political instability, war, traditional values, evolving values, income motives & assessments, the economy, Barack Obama, Republicans, Democrats, socialism, sexism, social media, too much sports, pickles (ok, sorry — that’s from me), terrorism, texting in place of real conversation, Arabs & Israelis, Russia & Ukraine, Iran & everyone else, Obamacare, obesity, gluttony, ignorance, radical Islam, inequality, equality, tolerance, intolerance, population growth, population growth myths, and red tape filled out the rest of the bracket.  Each lost to a higher seed.

Yes, as previously stated, the madness began long before March.
