oil or soda…

pipeline1Let’s tackle a new topic today.  But prior to our respectful tackling, allow me to humbly opine that what may appear to be our subject matter should not be confused with the bottom line.  In fact, too often I believe, our specific subject matter prompts us to venture off onto emotionally-led rabbit trails, that while certainly significant, cause us to lose sight of the bottom line.  Thus, in order to encourage avoidance of the aforementioned rabbit trail temptation, I will initially exchange the word “soda” for “oil,” as no petroleum product has anything to do with the point of today’s post.

First the facts… 6 years ago, our neighbors to the North began discussing a new soda distribution system with the United States.  Canada had already developed 3 phases of sharing their indigenous flavor, but there is a final phase intended to ship soda more efficiently to the rest of the waiting world.  The most direct, transportation route meant constructing a new conduit through the corner of Montana, western South Dakota, and central Nebraska.  Note:  phases 1, 2, & 3 of the conduit have been built, flowing through Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Louisiana.  The soda is already flowing.

The supposed “win-win” scenario proposed by Canada to the United States government is that while it allows Canada to ship more soda, the conduit construction would create thousands of new jobs and infuse billions of dollars into the U.S. economy.  Yet for 6 years, the Obama administration has not approved nor rejected the proposal.

Let’s get to the bottom line and why such serves as today’s subject matter…

As Intramuralist readers, you are aware that our desire is to highlight the wisdom and integrity — or the lack of wisdom and integrity — in any current event.  The Keystone XL Pipeline proposal is an excellent example of something lacking.

This is not a conservative/liberal dilemma.  This is not because I believe the pipeline should or should not be built.  The conspicuous lack of wisdom and integrity lies within the fact that no decision has been made for 6 years.  Two weeks ago, the Obama administration announced they still needed more time, extending the review of the pipeline indefinitely — or at least until after the November 2014 midterm elections.

Here’s the problem:  it lies not within Obama’s stereotypical political opponents; rather, it lies within his most ardent supporters.  Two of Pres. Obama’s more loyal voting blocs are labor unions and environmentalists.  The labor unions want the pipeline built; the environmentalists do not.  His decision is incapable of pleasing both blocs. That means that if the decision is made before a key election, one group will logically be less enthusiastic about voting for candidates aligned with Pres. Obama.

Let’s add one more, integrity-diluting detail…

As reported by USA Today, two months ago billionaire, Democrat donor Tom Steyer, pledged $100 million to struggling Democrat Senate candidates if the Obama administration rejected the pipeline.

Again, the Intramuralist does not have a strong opinion on whether or not any pipeline should be built.  The challenge is the lack of integrity in the process.

Regarding the announcement to again delay the decision, White House spokesman Jay Carney said no politics were involved.  The Democratic National Committee Chair added that politics “didn’t factor into” the decision.

Approve it or reject it; act with integrity.  Just don’t lie to us… no matter if it’s oil or soda.



One Reply to “oil or soda…”

  1. Just don’t lie to us?
    “If you like your plan, you can keep it.”
    “There is not a shred of corruption in the IRS.”
    “Benghazi was not a terrorist act.”
    Come now. Even Obama’s most ardent supporters have to recognize that lying is at least a part of his political strategy, if not part of a pathological personality.

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