guest writer series

4263193267_fb5cee0c57_z‘Tis time to reflect upon why we do what we do — on the purpose of the infamous Intramuralist.

Contrary to the blogs of many, my goal has never been to make you think like me.  Sorry, but I have news for you:  there are places where I’m wrong; there are places where my perspective is unknowingly limited; there are places where my perspective is not so limited and I’m still wrong.  There are also places where my reasoning is wrong and I have no idea.

Hence, the purpose of this blog is not to encourage likeminded thinking.  In fact, that approach by many of our elect and supporting activists disturbs me.  This country has never focused on likemindedness.  Wisdom has never equated to the robotic toeing of an ideological line.

The purpose of our posting has always been to model respectful dialogue.  That means stating our opinion in such a way that it’s respectful to all — even and especially to the one who disagrees with us.  The subsequent goal is to encourage dialogue — and then really listen, — because (1) listening is a basic form of respect, and (2) we craft solution from respectful dialogue.  Friends, one thing all leaders need to learn is that they do not solve an issue by shutting an opponent down.  Such is merely a foolish escape deliberately guised by the intelligent, albeit not the wise.

Thus, a primary belief I have always adhered to is that we’re in this together.  As recently written, we are “doing life” together; therefore, we grow.  While three days a week, I pick up my figurative pen and promptly post a semi-humble sentiment, it is my sense that we are in this together.

As evidence of such, on Tuesday we begin one of my favorite, summer activities.  It’s time for our 6th annual Intramuralist Guest Writers Series!  For half a dozen years now, we have featured the writings and perspectives of a wide variety of people — people I know… people I deeply respect… people who may or may not think like me.  Thinking like me doesn’t matter.

We will hear from thirteen creative, expressive individuals who have agreed to model our respectful mantra over the next four weeks.  Their topics of choice are diverse.  From a writer to a state senator to a food bank director… from a retired teacher to a current teacher to a young man living overseas… from a college kid to a stay-at-home mom to a career pastor… from a psychologist to nonprofit director to a realtor and wise  new grandma… We have a creative, articulate, passionate group of writers sharing wit and wisdom, strength and sorrow, learnings and leanings, and all sorts of other wise nuggets in between.

Let me state one aspect to be clear:  the Intramuralist may or may not agree with the opinions expressed; that’s not the point.  The point is that each of these admired men and women desire to share their thoughts with you in a respectful way.  At times you will undoubtedly jump out of your seat and cheer along.  You may ‘amen.’  Other days you may grimace.  You might share in their triumph or gasp in their heartache.  But along the way, you will witness respectful, encouraged dialogue.

So join me for this excellent series.  I promise two things:  one, it will be good; and two, I will be back.
