ebola Q’s

Dr.-Kent-Brantly-news-conferenceSo Ebola seems the hottest topic of conversation… what it is… what it’s not… what are the imminent dangers. As one might expect, the Intramuralist has multiple questions…

How did this begin?

Where will it end?

How many will be infected?

Are we prepared?

Are we overhyping it?

How has the federal government failed the American people?

How concerned should we be?

When Pres. Obama seemed so unconcerned — saying the spread to American shores was unlikely — what did he actually know?

Was he once again just telling us what he thinks we want to hear?

How has the White House politicized the process?

How has the press politicized the process?

How effective would a travel ban be?

Is there any lobbyist influence involved both advocating or opposing a travel ban?

How much did prayer play a role in the healing of Ebola-infected, Samaritan Purse worker, Dr. Kent Brantly?

Why appoint an Ebola “czar”?  And better yet, why appoint a czar who has zero healthcare experience?

With elections looming and confidence in Obama waning, is Ebola the so-called October surprise?

Has anyone embraced initial Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel’s mantra that “you never want a serious crisis to go to waste”?

And what does it say about our country that anyone would desire to take advantage of a crisis?

And one more Q: is the government completely capable of dealing with all things?

Maybe, that, too, should influence both our questions and our vote…
