expectation number one

Barack_obama_houstonI’ve just started a new job, and I laid out specific expectations for the employees who report to me. Number 1 – Honesty. I told them, as long as you shoot straight with me, then I can trust the things you say. As soon as you tell me something that isn’t true — just once — then for the rest of our time together, I have to evaluate everything you tell me as to whether or not I can believe it.

This is the problem I have with the current leader of the free world. These are some things he’s said:

“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”

We now know this to be patently false.  Obamacare defines specific requirements it deems necessary for all health plans, and if yours did not include them, you’ve already had to kiss it goodbye. Politifact named that one the 2013 Lie of the Year.

There is “not even a smidgeon of corruption” at the IRS.

This was a strong candidate for 2014. The executive branch was using the IRS against its own people, targeting conservative groups. After numerous White House visits, a convoluted story of thousands of lost but now found emails, and several “I take the 5th”s later, only the blindest apologists accept this at face value.

“Here’s what happened [in Benghazi]….  You had a video that was released by somebody who lives here…who made an extremely offensive video directed at Mohammed and Islam. This caused great offense in much of the Muslim world…. Extremists and terrorists used this as an excuse to attack a variety of our embassies, including the consulate in Libya.”

Ample evidence has been accumulated showing the attack to be a preplanned assault carried out by an al-Qaeda affiliated organization — and that there was no spontaneous protest outside the consulate the night of the attack over an anti-Mohammed video.

“I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage.”

Top political advisor David Axelrod now admits that he convinced Obama to conceal his long held position in favor of gay marriage for political purposes. With no more elections standing before him, he now says that legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States is one of the things he has seen that represents “America at its best.”

“Keystone is for Canadian oil to send that down to the Gulf. It bypasses the United States.”

A report published by Obama’s own State Department estimates that 70% of the oil transported by the Keystone Pipeline would be used in the U.S.

And last, the tried-and-true, oft-repeated…

I learned about Hillary’s use of a private email system “the same time everybody else learned it through news reports.”

Except he personally had sent emails to “hdr22@clintonemail.com” for four years.

Over the years, The Intramuralist has taught me to be respectful in all circumstances. I respect the office of The President, and I will always respect the one who holds it, including the current occupant, as having authority over me. I am simply laying out the evidence that the man considers untruth a legitimate weapon in his political arsenal.

Just as I told my staff, I no longer have any way of knowing whether what he says it true.

– Guest Contributor