do hillary’s emails matter?

a9e669092997acc60eede37ba8aeab1c-620x394The Intramuralist posted last week that they don’t care if Hillary Clinton used only a private, personal email server during her entire tenure as Secretary of State.

But I do. Here’s why….

I want to know what happened during Benghazi.

Four American diplomats lost their lives on September 11, 2012. They had requested additional security measures, and those requests were denied. Then the President and the Secretary of State advanced a cockamamie story about this being about some YouTube video rather than a preplanned assault by a group affiliated with al-Qaeda. The Secretary even made reference to “an awful Internet video” at the victims’ funeral. And we are to believe that the Secretary never sent any emails during this incident?

I want to know about foreign donations.

The Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation accepted millions of dollars in donations from seven foreign governments while Hillary was in charge of United States foreign policy as Secretary of State. The countries are Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Algeria and Brunei. Sure, the foundation does some good work. But these countries have never heard of the Red Cross? I’ll bet emails from these countries were deemed “personal Foundation business” and not subject to State Department retention.

No one should be their own judge and jury.

In allegedly coming clean, two years later than the law required her to do so, allowing Hillary herself to delete who knows how many emails, she still didn’t turn them all over. There were 62,320 emails on her personal server. She only turned over 30,490, and she says she deleted the rest. Who decided which emails were State Department business? She did. Or her closest inner circle of staff and lawyers. No independent verification. “I fully complied with every rule I was governed by,” simply by her own declaration.

Are we really to believe that more than half of the Secretary of State’s email was personal?

She insults our intelligence.

Her alleged reason for keeping her email system off the grid as Secretary of State was “for convenience…. I thought it would be easier just to carry one device.”

Except I only carry one device, and I have separate work and personal email accounts on that one device. That sure was a whole lot more “convenient” than setting up my own personal server to run all of my email.

And just last month, when asked in an interview if she prefers iPhone or Android, Hillary responded, “I have an iPad, a mini iPad, an iPhone, and a Blackberry.”

Hmmm. More than one device.

There has to be more to the story.

Hillary could easily have made this whole story go away. Walk into that press conference carrying the physical server itself. Tell everyone she made a mistake in setting up her own email server, but she doesn’t have any secrets. Hand over the server and ask an independent third party to review it in its entirety to make sure the State Department obtained everything the law requires and that national security has not been compromised.

Except she didn’t do that. She deemed riding out this controversy as preferable to coming 100% clean.

She must be hiding something.

And it must be big.

– Guest Contributor