where’s the line?


Lately I’ve been hearing much about the need to rally around one another — to come together as one, “because we’re all __________.”

It’s the call to unify.

Such seems more pronounced and proclaimed as the presidential primaries come to a close — and each party is attempting to get “their people” to rally behind a candidate that is far less popular nationally than the party would obviously prefer. That’s an observation — not a criticism. Each of the three remaining, mainstream presidential candidates has serious, perceived flaws; this will be a “slam dunk” election for no one… hence, the call to unify.

That call, no less, got me thinking…

We are to rally around one another… to come together… to let our voices be heard as one. Why? Because we are all “__________.”

But what goes in the blank?


What goes in the blank?

Who are the so-called “their people”?

Is it us? Is it not? Do we know when it actually is us?

It seems to me that individuals subjectively draw a dividing line…

They suggest we need to come together… because we’re all Republicans… we need to come together because we’re all Democrats… we need to come together because we’re all black… white… gay… straight… yada, yada, yada…

Please don’t perceive my “yada’s” or “yada’s” as any intended form of disrespect; they are not. My point is simply that people draw the dividing line — the proverbial boundary which supposedly establishes unity — in different places. I have challenges with that.

I mean, I have friends who are Republicans and friends who are Democrats. I have friends who are black and friends who are white. I have friends who are gay and friends who are straight. And I have friends who fit into none of the above and friends who are yada, yada, yada. Am I not to be included in their circle? Is the circle around them — separating them from the rest of us — impenetrable?

Friends, I think some people are selling us short. These so-called rallies to come together are not unifying; rather, they seem more a desire to isolate and ensure no one thinks any differently.

Why aren’t we drawing the line more broadly? Why aren’t we encouraged to more generously and extensively fill in the blank?

What about…

Because we’re all Ohioans… Iowans… or Floridians…

Because we’re all Americans.

Or what about… because we’re all people who live on the same planet.

Better still…

Because each of us was created by something bigger than self… by the great big God of the universe… divinely and magnificently made.

Can we draw the line around that?


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