tell me sweet little lies

shuttlecockTrue to our namesake, once upon a time this semi-humble, athletic enthusiast routinely rewarded myself with a college Phys. Ed. class. My goal was to take one each semester to balance out the work load. Upon graduation therefore — right below my highly respected and useful classes of Econ, BLaw, and Operations, for example — were transcribed courses such as Basketball, Bowling, and Ball Room Dancing — never neglecting, too, the formidable trio of Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Golf. The Intramuralist has always been true to its name.

Arguably my favorite athletic elective, no less, was Badminton. Now before the collective snickers and jeers, let me say that for those yet under the guise that such is simply the relaxing, recreational pastime of sunny summer gatherings, I contend that badminton is no such thing. Badminton is a furious, fast-moving, incredibly active sport. Said as only the ever-so-factual Wikipedia can, “The sport demands excellent fitness: players require aerobic stamina, agility, explosive strength, speed and precision.” (…explosive strength? …uh… ok… that was me. 🙂 )

Truth told, a close friend at the time was a senior student who grew up playing what seemed the equivalent of AAU in the Philippines. He was a fantastic badminton player — so talented, he decided to take me under his wing. Hence, thanks to Erwin, I did quite well in my favorite elective. I did far more than hold my own.

Near the semester’s end, we held a single-elimination, singles tournament — 3 game matches, playing to 21. In a field of forty, I advanced to the semi-finals. Here I encountered the #2 singles player on the Purdue men’s tennis team. Obviously, he was exceptionally good.

Many times I have recounted this match… slamming that small feathered shuttlecock to and fro… hustling and sweating… making some awesome shots. My serve was totally on! Our match went the full three games. And as the years have passed, I have gleefully shared what a wonderful triumph the game proved to be. Here a scholarshipped racquet star was eclipsed by this not-so-nerdy management grad. What a game.

I have thought of that match many days recently… granted, it wasn’t sports that made me think of the triumphant occasion…

Some weeks ago we watched as NBC anchor Brian Williams acknowledged he hadn’t told the truth when proclaiming he was in a helicopter hit by enemy fire. That story led us to Hillary Clinton’s false 2008 claim of outrunning “sniper fire in Bosnia”… then the biased Mother Jones accused news host Bill O’Reilly of lying for CBS, during reporting on the Falkland Islands in 1982; O’Reilly claims the accusations are false. And then this week VA Dept. Sec. Bob McDonald — a man the Intramuralist highly respects — admitted he lied when he told a homeless man he served in the Special Forces.

The question is honesty: are people honest? Are our leaders honest? Should we require honesty? Was Bush #2 always honest? Is Obama always honest? Always? (… and better yet… do we give a pass to one but scrutinize the other??)

I return again to my infamous badminton story because I have news for you: for years I told the story as if I beat that #2 men’s tennis player. It was an awesome match! But the gaping reality is that I sincerely cannot remember if I won or lost. I remember how I felt… and I felt like I won! I remember a tight match, an active struggle, all against an opponent who thought no one would ever come close to him… I even remember the look on his face! And when I think of the story, I really do think I won; it was awesome!! But I might not have. My story is not a lie; but it may not be the truth.

The better question when honesty is disputed is what may be the purpose of the lie… to look better? … sound better? … advance self? … advance a desired cause? … to cast a manipulated image? That’s what we should ask each person of whom a mistruth is accused.

As for me and my glorious badminton story, I really have no good answer as to why I may have enthusiastically shared such a mistruth. I have no desire to manipulate my audience. I do, however, enjoy sharing the feeling that I almost won.



and the winner is…

FullSizeRenderLet’s see if this works (… ahem… forgive me now…).

In light of the subjectivity that many believe exists within the award distribution by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, I thought, perhaps, we could creatively combine a topic or two and come up with our own semi-sarcastic list. Hence, with all due respect and my tongue buried somewhere deep within my cheek… we whimsically submit… “and the winner is…”

Achievement in Sound Editing: It’s a TIE — between VP Joe Biden and former Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Biden was easily in the lead, but the Mayor has come on strong in recent weeks. Both nominees seem in need of frequent bleeps, editing out how they really feel.

Best Foreign Language Film: Every foreign film wins except for anything created by ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab, or any other radical, Islamic terrorist group  (Note: their films are not worth watching).

Best Actress: Hillary Clinton. Sorry, but there’s a reason we have not seen nor heard from this presumed, inevitable nominee for months. She’s polishing herself, making sure she both looks and sounds presidential — re-crafting her brand, so-to-speak. Also no doubt, she wants to ensure she doesn’t compete with Joe and Rudy and their bleeps above… at least any time in the near future.

Best Actor: Sen. Rand Paul. This was perhaps our toughest decision, as we have a full slate of nominees in this category; multiple persons are running for the presidency, and yet they continue to act as if they are not. Well done. Great acting. (Note: honorable mention goes to NBC’s Brian Williams.)

Best Director: Not sure who wins here, but it’s certainly not FBI Director James B. Comey. The most senior American official in charge of directing our attacks against terrorism was not invited to last week’s official “Summit on Violent Extremism.” As said by the New York Times, “The omission of Mr. Comey adds further uncertainty over who in the government is in charge of the anti-extremist effort.” (Hence, we will currently forgo this title.)

Best Supporting Actress: Marie Harf. This nominee (also known as a State Dept. spokesman) found herself attempting to support a self-described, “too-nuanced”-for-some rhetoric that suggested a “lack of opportunity for jobs” is a root cause for the current terrorism crisis.

Best Supporting Actor: White House Press Sec. Josh Earnest. Day after day, this person stands before the press, taking questions, acting as if he or she represents the most effective, ethical, transparent, and wisest administration that has ever existed (… is there a tougher job than this? … for any press secretary?).

Best Picture: When I think of the winner of this award, I think of those images that moved us or made us think. The pictures don’t always make us feel good, but they do change how we feel — creations such as “Braveheart,” “Gladiator,” and “Slumdog Millionaire.” This year the picture that has most made me think is the still shot of those 21 Egyptian Christians led slowly, but methodically up the shore to their eventual beheading by the radical Islamic terrorists. I will not be able to erase that memory any time soon. That picture changes us.

And a final category… (a little lighter…)

Best Original Song: (It’s a year old, but still appropriate…) Disney’s Frozen’s “Let It Go.” We could all “let it go” a little more often… letting go of disrespect… letting go of any stubborn, superior opinion… letting go of even semi-sarcastic awards…



ISIS info

34566_408144276034_526766034_5226944_6190784_nAs bantered back and forth in recent blog posts, there is ample question on how best to tackle the current crisis. The Intramuralist has been respectfully concerned with Pres. Obama’s unwillingness to be specific in his terminology, refusing to call out the perpetrators as “radical Islamic terrorists.” The administration intentionally avoids associating terrorism with Islam. Contrasted with Obama’s frequency of specifically calling out other persons and religions — especially Christianity — I find his lack of willingness to be specific in this area concerning. I am not attempting to be critical. I am simply concerned about the ambiguous motive behind his ambiguous terminology.

In an attempt to understand the ambiguity (as opposed to any of us being seduced into simply adopting a partisan stance), I’ve been reading much, including the President’s own words. Arguably the most insightful piece I read was from Graeme Wood in The Atlantic. (Thank you to the several who suggested it.) The piece is excellent, informative, and long. Today I offer an edited portion of his perspective…

“What is the Islamic State? Where did it come from, and what are its intentions? The simplicity of these questions can be deceiving, and few Western leaders seem to know the answers… In the past year, President Obama has referred to the Islamic State, variously, as ‘not Islamic’ and as al-Qaeda’s ‘jayvee team,’ statements that reflected confusion about the group, and may have contributed to significant strategic errors.

The group seized Mosul, Iraq, last June, and already rules an area larger than the United Kingdom. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been its leader since May 2010, but until last summer, his most recent known appearance on film was a grainy mug shot from a stay in U.S. captivity at Camp Bucca during the occupation of Iraq. Then, on July 5 of last year, he stepped into the pulpit of the Great Mosque of al-Nuri in Mosul, to deliver a Ramadan sermon as the first caliph in generations—upgrading his resolution from grainy to high-definition, and his position from hunted guerrilla to commander of all Muslims. The inflow of jihadists that followed, from around the world, was unprecedented in its pace and volume, and is continuing.

Our ignorance of the Islamic State is in some ways understandable: It is a hermit kingdom; few have gone there and returned… We can gather that their state rejects peace as a matter of principle; that it hungers for genocide; that its religious views make it constitutionally incapable of certain types of change, even if that change might ensure its survival; and that it considers itself a harbinger of—and headline player in—the imminent end of the world.

The Islamic State, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), follows a distinctive variety of Islam whose beliefs about the path to the Day of Judgment matter to its strategy, and can help the West know its enemy and predict its behavior. Its rise to power is less like the triumph of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (a group whose leaders the Islamic State considers apostates) than like the realization of a dystopian alternate reality in which David Koresh or Jim Jones survived to wield absolute power over not just a few hundred people, but some 8 million.

We have misunderstood the nature of the Islamic State in at least two ways. First, we tend to see jihadism as monolithic, and to apply the logic of al‑Qaeda to an organization that has decisively eclipsed it… We are misled in a second way, by a well-intentioned but dishonest campaign to deny the Islamic State’s medieval religious nature…

The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Middle East and Europe. But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam. Virtually every major decision and law promulgated by the Islamic State adheres to what it calls, in its press and pronouncements, and on its billboards, license plates, stationery, and coins, ‘the Prophetic methodology,’ which means following the prophecy and example of Muhammad, in punctilious detail. Muslims can reject the Islamic State; nearly all do. But pretending that it isn’t actually a religious, millenarian group, with theology that must be understood to be combatted, has already led the United States to underestimate it and back foolish schemes to counter it. We’ll need to get acquainted with the Islamic State’s intellectual genealogy if we are to react in a way that will not strengthen it, but instead help it self-immolate in its own excessive zeal…”

As the conversation continues, let’s figure this out… be respectful… call it what it is… and avoid political correctness. Let’s do nothing to strengthen the terrorists. And let none of us be seduced into simply adopting a partisan stance. This is not a partisan issue.



challenging authority

photo-1414604582943-2fd913b3cb17I will never forget that first official, performance review. As a rising, white collar professional with a great job and greater expectations, fresh out of college and ready to roll, it was finally time for my superiors to tell me how wonderful I was. 🙂 Yes, there are times we believe we have the world at our feet — and even more times when we need to be humbled (…uh, always and still…).

Truth told, my review was wonderful. On a scale of 1-5 with “1” being excellent, “3” being average, and “5” being the area in need of greatest improvement, of the 12 specific categories, I received all “1’s” and “2’s”… except for one. In a single category, I received a “3.” I was deemed “average” in one category.

Hence, being the ever mature, twenty-something that I was, I did the obvious, most seemingly honorable thing to do at the time: I pounced on the “3.” I challenged the authorities above me — not for the rave review just assessed — but rather, for the audacity of someone awarding me with a stinkin’ “3.”

Challenging authority is hard. Challenging it respectfully is harder.

Let me add one more “hard”: responding to a challenge respectfully is equally difficult.

Authority relationships exist in most life scenarios… in our homes, hobbies, associations, clubs, churches, government, etc. Authority exists in all of the above. In most organizations, there are persons bestowed with the responsibility of making decisions on behalf of other people. So how do we handle it when we legitimately, passionately disagree with some of the decision-making?

This past week, I’ve witnessed multiple, reactionary manifestations when authority has been challenged. Some reactions have been especially eye-opening…

  • The authority quickly attempting to sully the reputation of the challenger — as opposed to humbly weighing the worthiness of the objection.
  • Supporters of the authority jumping immediately to defend him or her — as opposed to thoughtfully weighing any critique.
  • The authority, challengers, and supporters of both engaging in instant ad hominem attacks — steadfastly attempting to turn attention elsewhere — as opposed to dealing with the root issue — and the issue that’s most current.

I’ve also watched…

  • One side call the other “ignorant.”
  • One side call the other “idiot.”
  • Another suggesting one belongs in a “cult.”
  • And still more rhetorically attacking what I term our “reputation jugular.”

Both sides feel justified in calling the other names and in all sincerity, utilizing despicable, disrespectful adjectives. Also, intelligence doesn’t always diffuse the disrespect; it typically only makes the disrespectful descriptions sound better.

Let’s be clear: authority can and should be respectfully questioned. No man nor human institution has life all figured out, so no man nor human institution is incapable of error. But it’s difficult to navigate through the challenging-of-authority process when other factors are in play. For example…

  • Listening well to other points of view is rare…
  • The sense of decorum is long gone….
  • Self-focus is often rampant…
  • None of us especially like criticism… and…
  • Social media has made the process worse (…did I say “far worse”?).

It’s ok to question authority if solution is the goal. It’s equally ok to push back on the questioner as long as one listens first, weighs the opinion, and is completely humble in response. There is no place for arrogance permeating any part of the process… even…yes… for a white collar professional with a great job, fresh out of college, who thought they were wonderful at the time.



where’s the outrage?

photo-1415226355641-7f90f89def6aIn recent months, we’ve witnessed outrage many places… fueled in Ferguson… stroked in the streets of New York City… casted at the ballot box. We’ve seen it directed at various venues… at lying newscasters… at arresting officers… at the latest box office attention-grabber. My sense, though, is we’re fairly selective in our outrage. Our expressions are inconsistent.

One event over the weekend prompted significant, consistent outrage in this semi-humble blogger, as the radical Islamic terror group released a horrific, new video. ISIS purportedly murdered 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya. As reported by Reuters:

“The 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians were marched to a beach, forced to kneel and then beheaded on video, which was broadcast via a website that supports Islamic State.

The victims were among thousands of unemployed Egyptians desperately seeking work in Libya, despite the risks. Egypt’s foreign ministry said it was banning travel to Libya and had set up a crisis centre to bring home Egyptians.

Thousands of traumatized mourners gathered at the Coptic church in al-Our village, where 13 of the 21 victims came from, struggling to come to terms with the fate of compatriots who paid a gruesome price for simply seeking work.

Before the videoed killings, one of the militants stood with a knife in his hand and said: ‘Safety for you crusaders is something you can only wish for.’ Afterwards, he says: ‘And we will conquer Rome, by the will of Allah.’

The head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis, condemned the beheadings. ‘They were killed simply for the fact that they were Christians,’ he said at the Vatican.”

Let me offer a few, additional informative and editorial notes — to aid in either comprehension or emphasis:

  • “Coptic Christians” — or “Copts” — is the term associated with the native Christians within Egypt. They constitute the largest Christian community in the Middle East, accounting for an estimated 10% of the Egyptian population.
  • The five-minute video depicting the beheading was entitled “A Message Signed With Blood To The Nation Of The Cross.”
  • The victims were unemployed men, looking for work.
  • They were targeted because they were Christians.
  • They were killed because of what they believed.

Let that sink in for a minute… they were killed because of what they believed.

(Then acknowledge that we each believe in something.)

As terrorist incidents only increase across the globe, so does my concern. We must find a brave, bold, effective way to deal with this radical Islamic terrorist group.

I dare not imply that a solution is easy — otherwise the problem would have undoubtedly been solved years ago. Let me suggest, however, that we start with the following:

  1. Let’s be specific in regard to who the terrorists are.
  2. Let’s quit avoiding the fact that the terrorists’ interpretation of Islam motivates their murders; let’s study the radical interpretation, thus understanding the enemy better — as opposed to denying what they say spurs them on.
  3. Let’s not tip-toe around the terminology.
  4. Let’s refuse to blame other persons or religions. And…
  5. Let us never be numb to the outrage.

Those 21 unemployed, Christian men were killed because of what they believed. Their killing is outrageous.



little league

IMGP0709Perhaps you noticed that the most recent Little League World Series team was stripped of their 2014 title. The group of 11-13 year old boys played terrifically last summer, earning the series championship by ousting teams across the globe. They worked hard, played hard, and had a few balls bounce their way. It was thus a shame to see the title taken away.

Little League International made the decision to strip the Jackie Robinson West team from Chicago, Illinois of their title after months of investigation. It was determined that team officials — the manager included — had intentionally falsified boundaries so they could add ineligible, talented players to their roster. Little League International also determined that the officials then attempted to persuade adjacent leagues to go along with their falsification.

This is a gut-wrenching story. How do we adequately explain adults’ wrongdoing to a group of adolescent boys? How is it fair that young boys pay for the mistakes of their role models? As a baseball parent, this made my heart sink. It also made my oldest son’s heart sink; he was equally appalled. He knows the adults did wrong, and thus finds it sad that the kids have to pay. Those kids worked hard for that title. They won.

As we were attempting to sift through the legitimacy of the consequences — recognizing this is a tough situation — we were immediately exposed to the outrage of other adults. The most attention-receiving indignation was not based on the fact that these are young men; it was on the fact that the entire team is made up entirely of African-American young men.

Parents, lawyers, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, aldermen, noted Obama mentor Father Michael Pfleger, and more chimed in. Each suggested the title was stripped or may have been stripped because the kids are black. Jackson went so far as to call it “persecution.” Like I said, this is tough.

I am again reminded of those who have suggested the need for a national dialogue regarding race. During Pres. Obama’s tenure, my sense is we have had many conversations about race; it’s just that too many from too many angles have felt justified in employing disrespectful words and tones during those conversations. There are far too many among us who still feel that “black people just need to understand” — or “white people just need to understand.” We can’t elevate the respect and admiration for one people group by first putting all onus on another.

As we again celebrate Black History Month, we have opportunity to continue an ongoing, constructive dialogue, celebrating the abundant, positive contributions by African-Americans to society. Yet I find the conversation challenging when race is inserted into conversations where it doesn’t belong. Jackie Robinson West is not the first team to be stripped of their title; Zamboanga City was disqualified and stripped of its 1992 title, also because of ineligible players on their roster.

Note the words of Karen Lewis, the head of the Chicago Teachers Union, who like the Intramuralist, feels bad for these young kids. She goes a step further, however, in her insertion of race into the conversation: “I stand with parents, youth, teachers and community members who are outraged by this Black History month smack in the face by people with no regard for the young lives impacted by this. Jackie Robinson West should retain its title, be issued an apology, and every player should receive full-ride scholarships for college sponsored by the people who have humiliated these boys, their families and their community.”

It is hard to have a sincere, respectful conversation about race — a conversation where blame is minimized, humility is maximized, and emotional responses are somewhat tamed. It’s harder still, perhaps, when our children must pay for our mistakes.



crazy, mixed up world

rHBf1lEaSc2nsbqYPQau_IMG_0177There are days I shake my head, wondering if life makes sense — wondering if our reality has somehow evolved into some curvy, messed up fantasy world, where our focus and values have fallen somewhere between “Freaky Friday,” “As the World Turns,” and “From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.” I wonder what we value… what we have mixed up… and if we are still discerning of what is good and true and right…

… So many of us tuned into the Super Bowl — some 114.4 million to be almost exact — but we tend to tune out the evening news, feeling the stories are the same — just the names and faces are different each night.

… We pay significant attention to the news anchor who lied, but for the politician that lied/lies or tends to greatly exaggerate (always uncannily, making themselves look better or braver), we look the other way… especially if they vote the way we like.

… We Google with glee, with all eyes and ears on the actors, athletes, and celebrities. Tell me: how long will we pay attention to Kayla Mueller, the 26 year old, American woman who is the latest to pay with her life at the hands of ISIS, the radical Islamic terrorist group? How long?

I shuddered reading Kayla’s letter to her family, written in November of last year. Her insight was amazing: “…I remember mom always telling me that all in all in the end the only one you really have is God. I have come to a place in experience where, in every sense of the word, I have surrendered myself to our creator b/c literally there was no else … + by God + by your prayers I have felt tenderly cradled in freefall. I have been shown in darkness, light + have learned that even in prison, one can be free. I am grateful. I  have come to see that there is good in every situation, sometimes we just have to look for it.”

To think we will not pay much attention… to think her death may be minimized…I wonder about this mixed up world.

I will admit: I am currently watching one other, potentially mixed up scenario…

When “American Sniper” came out, the box office smash met rave reviews and even attained a “Best Picture” nomination by the 87th Academy Awards. The movie chronicles the life of Chris Kyle, a former Navy SEAL who was considered “the most lethal sniper in U.S. military history.” He served four tours in the Iraq War, reportedly having shot and killed more than 160 targets. He was considered a hero. Because Kyle was so effective in killing our identified enemy, Iraqi insurgents nicknamed him the “Devil of Ramadi” and put a bounty on his head. The movie accounts some awful situations Kyle confronted, as the face of the enemy is often disguised as something lesser.

“American Sniper” has also faced ample, significant criticism… Michael Moore, Seth Rogen, former Gov. Howard Dean, etal… they have led the chorus, making strong public claims of racism, bigotry, and/or cowardice in Kyle’s behavior. Their criticism is loud — as is their assertion that Kyle is no hero.

This weekend, no less — to celebrate Valentine’s Day — the American public will also be exposed to the much-anticipated “50 Shades of Grey.” Such is the cinematic account of the best-selling 2011 novel. Wikipedia factually depicts the story as follows: “It is notable for its explicitly erotic scenes featuring elements of sexual practices involving bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, and sadism/masochism.”

The Intramuralist is offering no encouragement on whether or not to see either ‘Sniper’ or the ‘Grey Shades.’ I only question which movie we will value more. Which will we celebrate? Which will we criticize? … and are we still discerning of what is good and true and right?



parenting & terrorism

(Oblige me briefly on today’s odd combination and thus creative frame of reference…)


While this is not a parenting blog, I have learned some things via parenting I otherwise would have missed. Let me be completely transparent: sometimes those lessons mean complete failure and falling flat on my face; it’s hard to parent consistently well.

There are moments I’m not proud of — times I’d like to take back… times I said the wrong thing, did the wrong thing, played helicopter parent, bulldozer parent, or some other odd role where I only served to get in the way. I meant well, but actions always speak louder than words.

The area in which parents arguably get most in the way is in discipline. No doubt that “a father only disciplines those he loves,” but sometimes our discipline fails to focus on what’s most important.

As the parent of multiple children, for example, one of the things I’ve had to learn is to deal with what’s current. If one of my sons makes a significant error in judgment, I don’t chastise the children who are uninvolved; I don’t bring up — nor nurse or rehearse — the previously forgiven sins of another. If one child behaves foolishly, I do not chide the other two. And if only one son is disobedient, I don’t focus my attention on the other children. When a parent fails to focus on what’s most important, we then fail to parent well.

As referenced in our most recent post, the Intramuralist is concerned with Pres. Obama’s focus on rooting out the seemingly increasing, radical Islamic terrorism. Less than 48 hours after a man in captivity was burned alive by the terrorists last week, the President used his public podium to compare the current violence to centuries-old Christian sins. I am struck by his contrast — how he spoke so intentionally specifically about the ancient perceived sins of Christians, while at the same time, he continued to speak so intentionally vaguely about current Islamic terrorism. The contrast is striking.

Obama will not utter the phrase, “Islamic terrorism.” He will not say “killing in the name of Allah.” In less than two weeks the White House is hosting a summit that was organized after the radical Islamic attacks in Paris. What’s it called? “A Summit on Countering Violent Extremism.” In the 282 word, White House press release, there exists not a single reference to the Islamic adherence the terrorists continually proclaim.

Is Obama weak on terror? From this limited vantage point, I cannot discern such with certainty. I do believe, however — based on his consistent, continual omission of the Islamic faith the terrorists profess — that he is weak on rhetoric. After his comparison to the Crusades, my sense is his focus is off. My concern is not alone; it is shared across the political spectrum…

From NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell (never known for her conservatism): “You don’t use the word Crusades, number one, in any context right now. It’s just it’s too fraught. And the week after a pilot is burned alive, in a video shown, you don’t lean over backwards to be philosophical about the sins of the fathers. You have to deal with the issue that’s in front of you or don’t deal with it at all.”

From Thomas Ashbridge, a historian at the University of London in a statement to ABC News: “It is true to say, that by modern standards, atrocities were committed by crusaders, as they were by their Muslim opponents; it is however, far less certain that, by medieval standards, crusading violence could be categorized as distinctly extreme in all instances.” Ashbridge added that he doesn’t have a problem with Obama reminding the world that the Christian Church “advocated violence, and at times even encouraged its adherents to engage in warfare,” but to suggest a causal link between ISIS and the distant medieval phenomenon of the Crusades is “grounded in the manipulation and misrepresentation of historical evidence.” Obama’s focus is off.

Like I said, it’s hard to do this consistently well. Terrorism is undoubtedly difficult to effectively thwart. But let’s start by focusing on what’s most important — by speaking specifically about the current problem. Then let’s quit attempting to include the “other children.” Note: they are not involved.



our response to isis

photo-1415226181422-279a51ca056eWhen I saw shots of the captured Jordanian pilot burned alive in a cage last week, I had to look away. This was no fiction, fantasy, nor ad for the seventeenth sequel in pop culture’s latest horror series; this was real life. My response was clear… I was shocked, then grieved, and then outraged. How dare these men — obviously motivated by evil — brutally kill the innocent. How dare these terrorists get away with murder!

Most likely more outraged than any of us was Jordan’s leader, King Abdullah II, a former commander of Jordan’s special forces. King Abdullah met with members of the U.S. House Armed Services Committee not long after the news broke. Members said he was furious. The king was quoted as saying, “The only problem we’re going to have is running out of fuel and bullets.” The terrorists were the clear focus of his fury.

Contrast that with Pres. Obama’s response. Wait… Let’s each first do one thing; let’s remove any partisan hats. That means all the Obama-lovers and haters — those friends among us who have a tendency to lose all objectivity at the mere sound of his voice — need to be a little more intentional in removing the hat, so-to-speak. Yes, those enamored seem blind to Obama’s weaknesses; those loathing seem blind to his strengths. I’d like an honest conversation regarding Obama’s leadership in response to terrorism.

While the White House made some at least rhetorical miscalculations in its initial description of ISIS, Obama has been clear that we need to fight this extremist group. I believe their heinous deeds are clearly unacceptable to him. What is not clear, however, is who he thinks they are.

The terrorists claim to be motivated by Islam. Obama continues to claim they are not. Hence, the White House will not refer to Islam when describing this group. On first learning of the Jordanian pilot’s savage death, Obama calmly referred to the terrorists as adhering to “whatever ideology they are operating of.” There was no outrage nearing that of King Abdullah’s — and there was no specificity in regard to the terrorists.

Obama did express specificity a single day later, when he spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast, an annual Christ-centered gathering of 3,500 plus people. He said he wanted to touch on “the degree to which we’ve seen professions of faith used both as an instrument of great good, but also twisted and misused in the name of evil. “ Excellent. Let’s talk specifically about the evil. But again, there was a complete omission of Islam. Instead he was specific only in mentioning the centuries-old sins of those who “committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.” He did not mention killing in the name of Allah — even though that is the current crisis. Of course, some (still probably with hats on) quickly amen-ed the President’s boldness… it’s about time Christians wrestled with those historical atrocities!… The only challenge with that argument is the lack of boldness Obama utilizes in response to Islam — and the lack of current application.

Unlike the Intramuralist, the President seems to dance around the topic. He will call out Christianity but not Islam. I get that he does not believe they are Muslims — even though they say they are. I also get that there exist religious adherents who distort the tenets of every religion and re-craft religion based upon how they feel; we all sometimes do that. But what I don’t get is why the President avoids the topic…

Nidal Hassan murdered 13 soldiers at Fort Hood while praising Allah, and the administration called it “workplace violence.” When the Charlie Hebdo attacks occurred in Paris, the White House Press Sec. would not initially say “Islamic” or “terrorism.” And last week the Deputy Press Sec. insisted the Taliban was “an armed insurgency” — not a terrorist group. Even left-leaning “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart now questions the White House “tip-toeing” around the terminology. What’s the motive?

Why will the White House not call this what it is? Why are they willing to be harsh on Christianity — sins that are 800 years old — but meek on any mention of Islam? What’s the motivation? I believe there exists something we don’t know.

By specifically calling out old Christian abuses while simultaneously being vague about current Islamic violence, significant questions about Obama’s leadership in response to terrorism are increasing. What’s motivating him that we don’t know? And why can’t he express the outrage and clarity like King Abdullah?




yJl7OB3sSpOdEIpHhZhd_DSC_1929_1To vaccinate or not vaccinate… that is the question. This issue is currently heightened because of two reasons: one, there are over 100 cases of measles confirmed in the United States right now; and two, there are seemingly over 100 people running for President. 🙂 Note that any time campaigns are current, so is the motive to pounce upon an issue, politicizing something that should by no means be political. The politicizing pollutes the objectivity necessary to wrestle with an issue wisely.

Having thus invested much in this issue, I am struck by many aspects…

  • I am struck by the number who feel so strongly — by the parents… the educators… my respected friends in the medical community.
  • I am struck by the passion — the passion that prompts such strong, emotional expression — even, often, not always respectfully stated… I get it… I don’t always like it, but I get it… the harsh words many of us employ are not based in hate; they are based on the emotion this issue uniquely seems to elicit.
  • I am struck by how we individually weight (either overtly emphasizing or discounting) the opinions of others — from the medical experts to the holistic bloggers to the likeminded thinkers to also the non-parent — acting, for example, as if a person with no biological children has no valid vantage point.
  • I am also struck by how this issue knows no ethnic, gender, educational, partisan, religious, stereotypical, you-name-it bounds. Again, it’s not a political issue. (Caution: as one of you duly noted, beware of the political opportunist who attempts to now turn this into a targeted voter pool). Of the huge number of you who gave me feedback (thank you!), I heard you. Let me also add that you and your opinions do not fit into any nice, neat, descriptive, demographic group.

Here is the issue… We live in a society where freedom is cherished. We like freedom. We like choice; some of us embrace it more than others. But we are selective in when and where we embrace it. The key is how an individual choice affects other people. That’s what makes so many arguments so hard. As a culture, we tend to gravitate toward advocacy of government mandates when we believe individual choice infringes on another. Pick your issue; pick your controversy; the perceived harm on the life, health, or values of another is at the heart of our most challenging, cultural issues.

Like I said, I heard you… I am tremendously moved by the image of the African mother who walks miles just to ensure her child is vaccinated. I hear the deep, deep gratitude in those of you who lived through or parents lived through the painful, polio outbreak. And my heart breaks for the family whose sister contacted measles one year before the vaccine was approved, drastically altering each of their lives. Actually, I cried.

I also respect the parent who prayerfully pours into research and intentionally chooses not to vaccinate. I grieve for the mother who shared with me how her four month old daughter stopped breathing two weeks after her shots — or the infant male, who could no longer hold his head up, also two weeks later. While non-vaccination has not been the choice of this semi-humble parent, I will always respect the freedom of another to choose what they believe to be wisest and best.

Every choice, no less, has consequences. And when we make a decision that has the potential to negatively impact another, we must also be humble enough to accept the accompanying consequences… consequences such as the pediatrician’s office, which limits their practice to those who vaccinate their children — or the public school, which requires vaccinations to attend. Such are not unreasonable stipulations when we consider the so-called “greater good” — the life and health of others.

Note additional random feedback received in preparation for this post: I’m uncomfortable with increased government mandates; where do they eventually draw the line?… What role does big money play in the promotion? Pharmaceutical companies stand much to gain from a country that mandates medicine… How has the immigration influx changed the need for vaccinations? Their exposure to disease is different… Professionally, my job requires it… Mandatory flu shots — why does the union oppose?… People seem to pick and choose… So many vaccines taken at one time — that can’t be healthy… What about vaccines designed more to combat disease contacted via behavior as opposed to happenstance? My choice may differ there… There are many valid questions. We should all be asking questions.

As said from the start, this is a tough issue, and it’s tough to talk it well. As you know, I am no medical expert. But I believe in individual freedom. I also believe in “loving my neighbor well” and considering others in my choice. I respect the medical community. I respect the educational community. And I respect the parent — both in making a choice and graciously accepting the consequences.

Let me briefly share as I conclude, that one of my children once caught a life-threatening disease from another child. Because my own son’s immune system was compromised, it evolved into a gut-wrenching, critical situation; we spent 21 days in cardiac ICU — 2 of those weeks on a respirator. But one of the nuggets of wisdom I adhere to in life is that I refuse to allow my individual circumstance to dictate the totality of the truth. Do I wish that other child had already received that vaccination? You bet I do. But should that experience cause me to deny the individual freedom of another? Great question. Hard one, too.

May we be respectful of others in our answer. May we each accept the consequences of our decisions. And may we always love one another well.

Respectfully… with great grace…