change your questions, change your life


Years ago I was introduced to a great book by Dr. Marilee Adams, an adjunct professor at American University’s School of Public Affairs, with the same title as listed above. Adams specializes in consulting, coaching, and leadership training. She has created and promoted the concept of “question thinking.” It’s based on the premise that everything starts with a question and that question then bridges the gap to increased comprehension, healthier communication, and more effective results.

Think about that; everything starts with a question; in fact, when I wake up, I typically ask myself a series of unspoken questions, such as… “What’s on my agenda?… How warm is it outside? … Is it raining?”… or “Is my favorite outfit clean?”

Those questions then affect the entire day ahead; they transcend how we interact with other people. In order to clearly comprehend and both adequately and accurately understand what’s going on in life, we have to ask and answer questions. Note: asking and answering questions is more vital and intimate than simply spewing an opinion; spewing opinion typically stems from an incomplete perspective. In other words, as Dr. Adams says, “You can’t get the best answers unless you answer the best questions first.”

I then took a brief scan of the weekend headlines from the most popular internet news sites. After dismissing those centered on cleaning my kidneys, Ted Cruz’s VP ploy, and the latest developments in the NBA playoffs, the following 20 questions caught my eye:

(1) Can Corporate Leaders Be Good Citizens?
(2) Can Songs Help You Learn Scientific Concepts?
(3) How did Prince die?
(4) The 9/11 Truth?
(5) Could Texas Become the Next Trans Bathroom Battleground?
(6) ’Dumbest pick’ in NFL draft history?
(7) What is May Day, anyway?
(8) Why Are Blacks Leaving Liberal Cities?
(9) Is Sara Ramirez Leaving ‘Grey’s Anatomy’?
(10) Is U.S. Ready for Post-Middle-Class Politics?
(11) Did Larry Wilmore go too far with N-word joke at Obama’s last #WHCD?
(12) Will the Paris Climate Agreement Deliver?
(13) Beyonce: Making Marriage Work?
(14) Is The Party Warming To Trump?
(15) Why Do Progressives Cling to Hillary?
(16) Does Bernie Sanders Really Deserve Any Concessions From Hillary Clinton?
(17) Did Michael Strahan make big mistake leaving ‘Live!’ for ‘GMA’?
(18) For Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, it’s all about Indiana … isn’t it?
(19) Prince, Bowie and Haggard: Icons? Legends? What’s the difference?

(… and my personal favorite…)

(20) Wardrobe whoopsies: On purpose, or an accident?

I must go back, no less, to one of Dr. Adams’ core principles. That is, again: “You can’t get the best answers unless you answer the best questions first.”

With all the difficulty and tension in discussing tough topics (especially on social media), I wonder first if we’re being intentional in asking questions.

I wonder second if we’re asking the best questions — questions that prompt insight, perspective, and honest, heartfelt exchange — questions that lead to sharpening and growth.

And I wonder third if we’re pausing long enough to actually listen to the answers.

I remember a lesson taught to each of my budding young sons… Listening does not simply mean hearing what another says; listening means hearing and thoughtfully considering all that was said.

May we learn to ask good questions (… and… to hopefully never experience any sort of “wardrobe whoopsie”).


prince, et al.


Never will I forget… far too many to quote from…

“Little red Corvette
Baby you’re much too fast
Little red Corvette
You need a love that’s gonna last…”

… to…

“How can you just leave me standing?
Alone in a world that’s so cold?
Maybe I’m just too demanding
Maybe I’m just like my father too bold…”

… to…

“Sometimes it snows in April
Sometimes I feel so bad, so bad
Sometimes I wish life was never ending,
And all good things, they say, never last…”

“Little Red Corvette,” “When Doves Cry,” even “Sometimes It Snows In April”… When iconic musician Prince passed away on Thursday, so many of those lyrics flashed through my head. I found myself engaged in my own, private, somber lip sync…

Prince Rogers Nelson contributed much to far more than a small corner of the world. His death is shocking and sobering, recognizing that an incredibly gifted and talented man has left us. Much like the deaths of David Bowie, Glenn Frey, and Joey Feek earlier in the year, we are left saddened by the loss. I must say, there many nights I spent — especially in the 80’s — with a school book on my desk and Prince singing somewhere in the background. Still more nights I dropped the book and danced away with several of us sorority sisters in the room. But we are sobered by the loss of someone who meant so much.

I never wish, however, for the loss of any other to be any less sobering…

As one of my long time friends that is closer than a brother said yesterday:

“While we collectively mourn the death of Prince, let us not forget to mourn and pray for the families of ‘everyday people’ who also leave this world long before we desire. Let’s remember to pray for the parents who have to bury their child, or the family who has to say goodbye to one of the shining beacons in their family who has touched countless lives. Let’s remember to pray for those whose family member(s) were killed due to some seemingly senseless crime or had their lives snatched away from an earthquake, flood, or other natural disaster. These people may not have a global impact like a celebrity may have, but to those who knew them, they were a big part of their world.”

In other words, there exist lots of “big parts” to our individual worlds. Celebrity status does not equate to less sad or less sobering. Celebrity status only means more of us are familiar; it does not mean the impact of a lesser known person is any less.

Most of us have experienced the loss of life of someone who is deeply important. From the waitress I spoke to on Friday who just lost her father to the over 650 who passed away in Equador’s recent earthquake, all loss of life is significant.

As Prince’s brother-in-law said, “Death isn’t easy for anybody.” No, it’s not.

Death is sobering. The loss of life is sad and significant. It also prompts me to ask some of life’s bigger, more challenging questions.

Let us not forget…


something bigger


How many of us would walk away from a million dollars?

Better yet, how many would willingly walk away from thirteen million dollars?

Nothing illegal. Nothing more than being paid for the profession you love to do. That’s it. Walk away. Such is the status of Major League Baseball’s Adam LaRoche. There are two seemingly relevant reasons why the former professional recently walked away. First, as told by ABC News….

“Adam LaRoche said he decided to resign from the Chicago White Sox about 20 minutes after ‘a short, heated conversation’ in which he was told he could no longer bring his 14-year-old son to the team clubhouse, telling ABC News in an exclusive interview that he didn’t hold any grudges and wouldn’t rule out returning to baseball.

The first baseman had played 12 seasons for seven different teams and his son, Drake, has been with him practically all the time. Drake even had a locker right next to his dad’s in the White Sox’s clubhouse.

‘I haven’t lost an ounce of sleep,’ LaRoche said of his decision. ‘I mean, I have zero regrets.’

LaRoche, 36, acknowledged that exceptions had probably been made to allow Drake’s presence and that he knew it could come to an end at any time. Nevertheless, he said he was ‘mad at the time’ when Ken Williams, the team’s vice president, made the decision.
‘I don’t hold a grudge. I don’t hate anybody over there. You know, it just made my decision easy,” LaRoche, alongside his son, told ABC News’ T.J. Holmes, adding, ‘Honestly, it’s not the end of the world to me. And I thank my parents for that. The way I was raised. Because baseball — and I’ve said it before, I don’t want to be defined by this game. I know there’s a lot more to life’…

Being available for Drake during his formative years was essential, LaRoche said.
‘Our kids are going to follow in our footsteps, good or bad. And you know, we got a small window here, a very small window here, to turn them into the men that they’re going to be. And I don’t want to miss six months of that window, even for $13 million.’ ”

There is a second relevant reason. According to…

“This was recently reported by ESPN’s Tim Keown, and it might give some insight into the real reason for Laroche’s retirement:

‘LaRoche, along with Brewers pitcher Blaine Boyer, spent 10 days in November in Southeast Asian brothels, wearing a hidden camera and doing undercover work to help rescue underage sex slaves. All of which raises a question: After 12 years in the big leagues, the endless days and nights in dugouts and clubhouses, how did LaRoche’s nearly cinematic level of nonconformity escape detection?

… Working through a nonprofit called the Exodus Road, LaRoche and Boyer conducted surveillance in brothels and tried to determine the age of the girls — known only by numbers pinned to bikinis — and identify their bosses.
‘Something huge happened there for us,’ Boyer says. ‘You can’t explain it. Can’t put your finger on it. If you make a wrong move, you’re getting tossed off a building. We were in deep, man, but that’s the way it needed to be done. Adam and I truly believe God brought us there and said, ‘This is what I have for you boys.’

That’s right, last fall LaRoche, along with fellow big-leaguer Blaine Boyer, went undercover in Southeast Asia to rescue underage sex slaves from local brothels. Let that sink in for a minute. A pair of white professional athletes went undercover in an effort to rescue children from sex slavery.”

While it was assumed that LaRoche retired because of reasons stemming from his son not being allowed in the clubhouse, that seems only the last straw, as he can now focus more on something bigger.

So what does it take to walk away from a million or thirteen million dollars?

It would seem — by Adam LaRoche’s example — something bigger than self.


hating pickles


I hate pickles. I know, I know… that’s not really an appropriate use of the word “hate.” But it’s true; I hate them.

As an adult who desires to be at least perceived as semi-mature most days, I confess to hiding the depth of my loathing. If the watching world knew that I’ve totally caved to hating something with a passion — that is based solely on my own perspective and experience — and has been steadfastly fueled by the other secret pickle haters out there in existence — I know I’d be subject to rampant disrespect.

And yet, my hate continues.

But wait; it gets worse…

Not only do I hate pickles, when I observe someone else ordering “extra” pickles or ordering those stinkin’ fried pickles as some sort of desired, tasty appetizer, I cringe inside. I have zero comprehension how someone I otherwise admire could adore something that I do not. I have no idea how their taste buds and logic could allow them to even entertain the idea of eating “extra.”


The reality is (confession time, friends) that sometimes — instead of only offering a thinly-veiled, judgmental stab at why abstaining from pickles is far better for the soul — I go one step further; my hatred alone is not enough. So instead of advocating for pickle abstinence, instead of simply stating why I feel the way I do, I go after the person who feels the way I don’t. In a calm quiet, logical argument, I tear apart the pickle eater. I demonize the opposition.

Recently on the Intramuralist, we’ve found a bit of strong commonality — a thread woven into the lives of many, regardless of the perspectives from which we individually hail. Collectively, the masses seems to agree that the “I’m-mad-as-hell-and-not-going-to-take-it-any-more” rant is not an attractive articulation. In fact, it is quite possible that it has the exact opposite effect than what’s desired; instead of spewing the opinion in a way that wins friends and influences people, it only influences people in a non-positive way.

Cognizant of my very true pickle example, I’d like to go that step farther today. I believe it’s significant.

There’s another kind of articulation that is equally unattractive. It may be absent the zealous rant of our “mad-as-hell” folks. The passion may also seem dampered and enthusiasm subdued. But make no mistake about it; judgment still often drives the argument.

As opposed to that list of things that are universally considered right and wrong (note: there are at least 10 of them, starting with having no other self-created gods), why is articulating our own opinion not enough?

Why do so many spend so much energy tearing into another instead?

Does our opinion not stand alone?

Will another poke holes in our argument, so much so that we cannot substantiate it via reason and compassion?

And why do we have trouble resisting judgmental stabs at another?

My sense is that too often we attempt to make ourselves look better, sound wiser, and be of increased influence by demonizing the perspective of others as opposed to engaging in healthy, interactive, respectful dialogue. An added few, semi-random points: no rant will ever qualify as dialogue; no unwillingness to listen will ever gain full respect; and demonizing of opposition rarely equates to wisdom.

This is a hard one, friends.

Off now for a snack. For the record, it may be me in front of you in line who respectfully requests that they withhold the briny green relish. But I’m working on not adding the word “hate” or “slimy” to my order. I’m also working on remembering that such is based solely on my own perspective and experience.


the problem with social media


Call me a realist, but I find myself continually questioning the merits of social media. On one hand, it has allowed us to connect in a way we would otherwise not… Friends from grade school, high school, college, past jobs, towns, hometowns, etc. It has allowed me to converse at least sometimes with friends I would otherwise miss. It has allowed me to get to know people in ways I wonder if I would otherwise know… how we think, what we’re up to, and what is important to each of us.

I value knowing what is important to you. I am thankful for the insights into one another’s lives — knowing, no less, that what’s most important to each of us is different.

Thank God.

What concerns me about social media isn’t the inundation of semi-spectacular selfies. You know the ones… Here I am with my best friend’s neighbor’s mother’s dog, and we are having the most fabulous time!… Yes, I, too, love the “fabulous times.”

What concerns me about social media is the judgment of our differences.

There are too many “this is how I feel, damn it’s.” You know those, too. They typically fall along the lines of, “I’ve been ticked off enough, mad enough, unheard long enough, that I’m finally going to tell the rest of the wold how I feel!” (… or at least tell my Facebook friend group — which has an increased probability of being reduced after the “this is how I feel” moment. Just sayin’.)

(Notice, also, who the subject of the above sentences is.)

A tangent but related FYI… Every time I think I’ve waited long enough, been silent long enough, or I just have a strong sense that I shouldn’t have to be this patient any more, I think of the ancient Israelites roaming in the desert. I think of their less than ideal conditions. Shockingly, they had no iPhones, iPads, earbuds or iTunes to speak of. They barely had a clean change of clothes. There was also no Walmart, healthcare, or any local grocery or restaurant in existence. And yet, they wandered. Fo 40 years.

If I had to go even 4 days without my iPhone or iPad, I guarantee my grumbling would be near evident to all.

Back to my concern, of course… we are a judgmental people.

Every rant… every refusal to wait… every insistence that another hear me…


Who is the subject of my sentence?

Is it not me?

Have we somehow evolved to a point where we believe that the best way to win friends and influence people is to shout at them and not put up with their differing opinion any more? Have we somehow justified that loving others well means spewing our own opinion louder instead of listening and asking why another feels the way they do?

What if the next time you met a Donald Trump supporter (because yes, they probably live next door to you), you asked them why they feel that way — as opposed to simply mentally categorizing them as somehow advocating bigotry?

What if the next time you met a Bernie Sanders supporter, you invited them into a healthy dialogue — as opposed to immediately dismissing them as economically ignorant?

What if?

What if we approached social media differently?

… as opposed to, yes, falling prey to being so judgmental?

Such judgment rarely wins friends or influences people… at least in a good way.



when is it funny?


Last weekend Hillary Clinton and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio took part in a skit with Broadway actor, Leslie Odom Jr. Part of the brief exchange went as follows:

“Thanks for the endorsement, Bill. Took you long enough,” said Clinton.

“Sorry, Hillary. I was running on CP time,” de Blasio joked in response.

“That’s not – I don’t, I don’t like jokes like that, Bill,” said Odom, who is black.

Clinton then interjected the would be punchline, saying, “Cautious politician time. I’ve been there.”

Cautious politician time.

Note that “CP time” is also a reference to “colored people time,” a colloquial phrase stemming from the stereotype that black people are chronically late. Allow me to also add prior to any further processing that there exist three additional, significant factors in regard to this story… One, Clinton’s spouse, Bill, clashed with Black Lives Matters protestors in the days immediately preceding the event; two, the skit was scripted, not improv; and three, de Blasio’s wife actually is black.

Friends, Clinton and de Blasio were joking. Regardless of their intent, regardless of the awkwardness audio accounts affirm, the Mayor and presidential candidate have since faced increased scrutiny.

Such prompted this semi-humble current events observer to ask a few questions…

When is a joke funny?
When is it not?
When do we give the joke teller the benefit of the doubt?
When do we not?

Why do we give some people grace?
Why do we withhold it from others?
Why do we make an instant judgment about some joke tellers?
Why do we advise no rush to judgment about others?

How come we assume we know what some people’s motives are?
How come we aver there’s no way to know the motives of others?
How come we are forgiving of some?
How come we are merciless of others?

And my last question…

Why are we inconsistent in our assessment?

(Ok, so it’s more questions than a few.)

The bottom line is that Clinton and de Blasio were joking.

Even well intentioned jokes can be offensive, but my sense is we are somewhat inconsistent in what makes us laugh, what instead offends us, and how we react depending on who is telling the joke.

Wait… Allow me a brief P.S. today…

How do you make a tissue dance?

You put a little boogie in it.

(… ok, just joking, you know…)


when bad things happen


Do you believe?

Let me make this non-sports post fairly simple. Remember: I said “non-sports”… although I will now invoke the name of “golf.”

Last weekend was the 80th rendition of golf’s annual first major of the year. Unlike the sport’s three other major tournaments, the Masters is held annually at the same location, Augusta National Golf Club, a beautiful private golf club in the city of Augusta, Georgia. It is considered by many as the most prestigious golf tournament in the world.

A year ago, the tournament was won by then 21 year old Jordan Spieth — a talented young man, who has inspired many, bursting on the scene with his arguably unparalleled, consistent success at such a young age; his ability and humble, admirable attitude have been documented previously here.

This past weekend, he was poised to win again, leading the entire tournament from start to finish… that is, until late Sunday afternoon. Ahead by multiple strokes, Spieth approached hole 12. The “Golden Bell,” the hole is called — a par 3, only a 155 yard hole. Spieth then proceeded to shockingly hit both his first and second shots into the adjacent water, en route to quadruple bogeying the hole.

Jordan Spieth did what Jordan Spieth doesn’t do. He collapsed.

Collapsed. Choked. Broke down.

Call it whatever you wish; the reality is that this amazingly gifted young man — again, witnessed both by his ability and attitude — did what the world has never seen him do. He blew a tournament that he seemed destined to win.

As written by ESPN’s Ian O’Connor, “Let’s face it: There’s losing the way the Seattle Seahawks lost to the New England Patriots on the Super Bowl goal line, and then there’s losing like this. I’ve been writing about sports for 30 years and this is the most shocking event I’ve ever covered, with the 2004 American League Championship Series between the New York Yankees and supposedly haunted Boston Red Sox running a close second.”

Ok, let’s first remind ourselves that we are talking about (1) a game and (2) a man who is very young and should have multiple other opportunities to win the major. It’s important to make sure we keep life in perspective.

Hence — and to the point of today’s “non-sports” post — here are the words Sunday from golf legend, Jack Nicklaus, widely regarded as the greatest golfer of all time:

“My heart goes out to him for what happened, but I know that Jordan is a young man who will certainly learn from this experience and there will be some good that comes out of this for him.”

He will learn from this experience.

There will be good.

Do you believe that?

Do you believe that good can come from a perceived bad thing?

And if you do believe it — not that any of us ever desire the so-called bad thing to happen — but if we believe that good will come out of the bad thing, should that change how we react when the bad thing happens?




Conflict is inevitable.

If you disagree, flip through Facebook, turn on the news, or ask anyone how they feel about a Clinton, Kardashian, or current, hot-button social issue. Geeeeesh.

We unfortunately live in a world full of conflict; it’s all around us… from all the partisan and social sites, where people generously proclaim how right they are and how wrong is another… where even the brightest among us forbiddingly call out others… It’s seemingly the current day manifestation of Dan Ackroyd and Jane Curtain’s iconic SNL “Point/Counterpoint” skit — just in a far less funny form.

Conflict is all around us.

Unfortunately, no less, we also often contribute to the discord. Sometimes we’re even responsible. Speaking solely for self — I must admit — sometimes I am part of the problem.

I have concluded that this yucky conflict stuff is thus unavoidable. As much as we may attempt to fast from social media and all the contemporary crud that fills the evening news flow, I don’t believe that conflict can be avoided. It isn’t always only witnessed on our computer screens; sometimes it hits closer to home; sometimes, in fact, it actually hits in our home.

I’ve been wrestling with now to navigate through conflict wisely — and how resolution can indeed occur.

Where do we start?

Part of the challenge is that we sometimes start by thinking, “maybe, if I just voice my opinion a little louder, the other person will finally understand”… as if we merely didn’t voice our opinion loud enough the first time.

(I’ve yet to meet a single person for whom that’s been effective.)

Still more of the challenge is that we sometimes start by thinking we can remedy the problem if we become firmer or sterner or lay down the heavy hand… “I’ll show him who’s boss. Does he not know who I am?!”…

(Again, not an effective conflict resolution tool.)

For years I’ve read the books of Carnegie and Covey, scouring the pages for the most efficacious remedy. Their words are wise…

“Seek first to understand — then to be understood.”

“Try to build bridges of understanding.”

“Could my opponents be right? Partly right? Is there truth or merit in their position or argument?”

“To solve our most difficult problems we must radically change our thinking.”

“Think Win-Win… look for the best outcome for all involved.”

I think each of those is excellent… understanding, forgiveness, empathy, respect…

But I also believe each begins from an initial position of brokenness — that humble, contagious, contrition… a contrition that’s born out of humility… a contrition that starts with self… a contrition that starts with “me.”

While it’s true that we don’t have to attend every argument we’re invited to, we cannot avoid conflict. We do, though, need to learn to respond more wisely — and thus, more effectively.


the best street sweeper


On Monday night, millions of us tuned in to watch college basketball’s championship game. It was time for the so-called madness of the month to come to an end.

The game, by most accounts, was excellent — one of the best championship games ever — well played by both teams. So well played that it was not decided until the final buzzer blew. It was one seemingly miraculous shot after the other — not just by the victor, but also by the runner up. Villanova and North Carolina each contributed to a great game; Villanova was simply one shot better.

With the continuous confetti and celebration, I wondered shortly thereafter how it would feel to be North Carolina… how heartbroken the team and their loyal fans must feel, being that talented, that close, but to fall to a single, last second shot. Is there any consolation in a great game played, absent only the win?

As Carolina coach Roy Williams said somberly in the quiet wake after the game, “What do you say to your kids?”

What do you say to the people who don’t win? Is playing well enough?

As a person who believes that sports are far more than a game — in the sense that it’s a phenomenal, fertile teaching ground — an avenue where so much, so quickly can be learned — I was struck learning about comments frequently articulated by the Villanova coaching staff. Borrowing from a speech Martin Luther King gave to junior high students in Philadelphia in 1967, head coach Jay Wright and company have continually encouraged their players to: “Be the best street sweeper you can be.”

The lengthier Dr. King quote is as follows:

“And when you discover what you will be in your life, set out to do it as if God Almighty called you at this particular moment in history to do it. Don’t just set out to do a good job. Set out to do such a good job that the living, the dead or the unborn couldn’t do it any better.

If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music, sweep streets like Leontyne Price sings before the Metropolitan Opera. Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause and say: Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well. If you can’t be a pine at the top of the hill, be a shrub in the valley. Be the best little shrub on the side of the hill.”

Be the best street sweeper you can be.

In the pregnant pause before the final play of Monday night’s NCAA men’s championship game, senior Villanova Wildcat player Daniel Ochefu borrowed a young boy’s broom to mop up the floor himself, having just dove on the floor, generously sharing his perspiration. Ochefu would soon set a pick from that spot, freeing the ball-handler, who would provide the assist to the eventual shooter. Each man had to do his job well in order for the final play to happen. The key is doing your job well — and not attempting to do someone else’s. In other words, “if it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo…” Do your job well.

Each of us needs to do “our job” well — whatever lot has fallen upon us. We tend, though, to spend significant time comparing our “lots,” so-to-speak; we exhaust ourselves — and our time and energy — by focusing more on the “lot” of another. We then “sweep” at a lesser level than our full potential.

So… “What do you say to your kids?”

What do you say to the people who don’t win but play phenomenally?

“You have done your job well, son. You have swept the streets well.”


more than half the people


Ah, again today there’s a vote — a vote before the vote as to whom will lead us next.

Funny… ok, so maybe not… but I keep hearing all these slants and shared perspectives on the current election cycle. Typically, it primarily equates to criticism of one side only, simultaneously ignoring the glaring discrepancies and questions on the side of the sharer. In fact, I keep hearing comments about people being “angry” or “the year of the angry voter.” I’ve noticed that some talk only about anger on one side of the aisle, yet my common sense stab suggests the anger exists across multiple aisles; otherwise there would likely be no rise to either a Sanders or Trump.

I hear significant dissatisfaction — minimal enthusiasm. How many times have we each viewed a meme, articulating something along the lines of “tell me… is there someone else I can vote for? … please??”

Again, the dissatisfaction is across all aisles.

So I sit here pondering the cause and effect. The effect seems the aforementioned anger and dissatisfaction. The cause, it seems, lies in the behavior of those who’ve gone before this current slate of candidates.

I’m wondering if there is a prevalent feeling that a majority of those who’ve served via elected office in recent decades have mixed up public and self service; they’re so entwined that people can’t seem to discern the difference. We’ve seen far too many seem to rhetorically suggest that they are somehow “God’s gift” to us. Sorry, but none who believe they are “God’s gift” would seem to comprehend the humility necessary in the position God has allowed them to hold.

I wonder if we’ve been worn down by the promises of those who’ve gone before. The elect seem to often void their campaign promises as soon as sworn in… Did they not mean what they said? Did they say what they meant? Are they unable to do what they said? Or did they just make certain, pleasing promises in order to increase the likelihood of election?

There also seems this unfortunate impression in too many of the elect that they don’t truly care about their constituents. Wait. I’ll re-phrase: the elect only care for about half of their constituents.

Since when has it been considered wise policy making to enact sweeping decisions that only half of the people support? Are all the other people simply wrong? Shouldn’t the fact that so many issues are so divided prompt us to find a solution that accounts for both opinions — instead of pushing solely one opinion through no matter the size of the opposition? I must admit, I have gotten a little tired of the rhetorical justification that it’s “the right thing to do” when a significant half exists that disagrees with such specific, sweeping policy. People can disagree; and their opinion matters.

What that says to this semi-humble observer, is that such an elected office holder is only good at listening to half the people. Listening to half does not equate to listening well.

When the elect do not listen well, many — on all sides of the aisles — become angry or dissatisfied. Such gives credence to the obvious lack of enthusiasm for the current, so-called “establishment” candidates… and such gives rise to the atypical candidates, such as either Sanders or Trump.

Funny, but some seem to only understand the popularity of Sanders but not Trump; others seem to only understand the popularity of Trump but not Sanders. I suggest their waves of popularity — however long they last — are born from the same circumstance. Too many who’ve gone before have failed to lead us well.

What does it mean to lead well? To be humble… to be solid morally and ethically… to be honest… and to consistently listen to far more than half the people.
