The things that make you go hmm
Things that make you go hmm
The things that make you go hmm, hmm, hmm…
More things. Current events that make the Intramuralist go hmmm. Truthfully, there are a lot of them lately…
… Yesterday — with all eyes on the Supreme Court, awaiting the ruling on the Patient Affordable Care Act/Obamacare/Mandated-Health-Insurance/Or-Whatever-You-Want-to-Call-It-Act — the justices passed on healthcare, ruling instead on Citizens United and the Arizona immigration law; they will release their ruling on the “all of the above healthcare act” Thursday.
The controversial Arizona ruling struck down 3 of 4 parts, but said the most controversial (and yes, popular) aspect was constitutional, meaning that it is lawful for state and local law enforcement to verify immigration status on routine stops. What makes me go “hmmm”? Both sides claimed victory.
Wait… if both sides feel victorious, does that mean the issue is finally done? Ha… Friends, an editorial note here… There is a reason the first word of illegal immigration is “illegal.” But we have to find a humane way to deal with the issue that doesn’t saturate the employment pool nor pave a path for terrorists. Terrorism is still, sadly, alive and well on planet Earth. Too much rhetorical spin is already involved in this Supreme Court ruling.
… Lest you are unaware, Pres. Obama and Gov. Romney are in race to solicit the largest stockpile of dinero. Cash. Money. Etc. What makes me go “hmmm”? The latest gimmick by the Obama campaign is the Obama Event Registry. “Got a birthday, anniversary, or wedding coming up?” asks the re-election campaign. “Let your friends know how important this election is to you — register with Obama 2012, and ask for a donation in lieu of a gift. It’s a great way to support the President on your big day. Plus, it’s a gift that we can all appreciate — and goes a lot further than a gravy bowl.”
Geepers. With all due respect to the Obama campaign, with my birthday arriving in a few short weeks, I’d enjoy a few gifts. And I’m expecting far more than a gravy bowl.
… Venus Williams lost in round 1 of Wimbledon yesterday. What makes me go “hmmm”? The talented Williams sisters never lose that early.
… In the “Furious & Fast” or “Fast & Furious” gun smuggling mess, Pres. Obama has claimed “executive privilege,” thereby allowing Att. General Eric Holder the freedom not to turn over subpoenaed documents. Holder has turned over approximately 7,000 of the requested 70,000 documents. What makes me go “hmmm”? 70,000 documents?? Are you kidding?! How could anyone want 70,000 documents? How could anyone be expected to turn over 70,000 documents? And what’s buried in those 70,000 documents that no one wants us to see??
Another editorial note here: More respect and honor should be given to the family of Brian Terry, the federal agent who died on the opposite end of those smuggled weapons. In all the discussions… in all the exertions of “privilege”… he should be remembered and revered.
Ah, current events…
The things that make you go hmm
Things that make you go hmm
The things that make you go hmm, hmm, hmm…
They always do…
… noting the lack of wisdom and integrity in this world…