right or righteous?

photo-1437623889155-075d40e2e59fRight or Righteous?…

That is the Question!

There are times in our lives when we feel as though we are in a refiner’s fire — those tough times or circumstances that refine — or seemingly purify — us… when, for whatever reason, it is as if every situation or interaction we find ourselves in brings about the same message. The message arises so much that you begin to ask yourself:

“Am I ever going to catch a break here?”

This is a picture of how my summer of 2001 was spent. At the time, I was on staff as a full-time missionary with Youth With A Mission – Nashville. YWAM is a non-profit ministry focused on service and training across the globe, that started over 50 years ago. My job and primary focus was to train and lead our college age volunteers as they led the youth groups. I LOVED my job! I was in my element!! I was doing what I love to do.

So, why in the world was I facing such confrontation at every turn? And from one staff person in particular at that? Everyday I found myself asking:

“What is his deal?”

Then, one day, after yet another head-butting, down right frustrating confrontation with this fellow staff member (did I ever mention how much I dislike confrontation? Well, I dislike it… A LOT!), a dear friend spoke these words to me and, still, today they resonate within me — especially in those moments when I find myself going head-to-head with someone and all I want to do is yell:

“I know what I am doing!!! I can take care of it myself!!”

Here is what my dear friend, Tiny, had to say:

“I know the things you have endured, but do you want to be RIGHT or do you want to be RIGHTEOUS?”

Do we always have to be right? … or will we allow for our character to be carved and to grow?

Can we say ouch?!! That hurts the pride and the rightness of it all!

Hear this: there is no disgrace in being right. This world needs more of what is right and good and true. It is just in those moments the challenge becomes more real and true and honest.

Hanging with you in the fray…
