the art of debate

It’s no secret. Ask my friends. Ask my family.

I love a good debate.

But maybe just maybe we need to clarify what a debate is. It’s basically a formal discussion where questions are asked and opposing arguments are put forward. It’s a forum in which varied opinion and perspective are put forth for consideration and scrutiny. And precisely because that’s what it is, we learn. We gain a deeper understanding. And often we craft solution.

Being the current events nerd that I can sometimes be, this wit-and-wisdom appreciating blogger watches debates from all political angles and aisles. As said, I learn. And I indeed gain a deeper understanding.

But I have to say — with primary season now upon us — they haven’t been all that fun for me as of late. They haven’t been all that good for multiple years. With all due respect to our elect — and I really want to be kind here — Presidents Biden and Trump have kind of ruined this for me.

I don’t think either knows how to debate.

Not only so… way too many others have followed their unfortunate lead. 

Allow me to explain.

There’s a Medium blogger with the pseudo-name “Smart Minds Together.” He/she (not trying to be politically correct — just don’t know actual gender) penned a great piece last November entitled “The Joy of Disagreement: Why the Right Debate Leads to Positive Outcomes.”  [Insert editorial note: let there be no not-so-subtle plagiarism here.]

Writes the “Smart Mind”: “When approached in the right way, debate can be a powerful tool for growth, learning, and positive change.”


He/she goes on to demonstrate how a good debate expands perspective, encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills, strengthens relationships, drives innovation and progress, and promotes personal growth and empathy. 

In fact, the “Smart Mind” poignantly points out how history is filled with examples of how debates have led to groundbreaking breakthroughs:

  • The scientific method was developed through rigorous debates among philosophers and scientists.
  • Civil rights movements gained momentum through passionate debates about equality and justice.
  • Inventions like the telephone and electricity emerged from debates around technological possibilities.

He/she writes: “By embracing disagreement and engaging in healthy debates, we create an environment where ideas clash, leading to transformative change and societal progress.”

Excellent. We need that… transformative change and societal progress. Notice that disagreement is welcome; disrespect is not.

But note — and I am only making observations, observations which are held by far more than me — for our two most recent presidents; one, when participating, seems to most employ interruption and insult on the debate stage. The other seems incapable of consistently, coherently participating. Please, friends, make excuses for neither. They make enough for themselves. They seemingly attempt to give us nice-sounding reasons why they do what they do. But each of their nice-sounding reasons seems untruthful.

I’m not attempting to be disrespectful in any way. The point is simply that the behavior of our two most recent presidents in regard to their debate approach seems to again model poor leadership. We are not well served by their behavior.

We need good debates; we need those groundbreaking breakthroughs. We need progress and expanded perspective and problem solving. 

We need better and more.



what they don’t want us to know

There’s an old French saying — “prendre la chèvre” — meaning “to take the goat.” Tradition suggests that taking another’s goat was one way people used to get milk. Unsurprisingly, such would oft anger the goat’s owner. The ever-useful A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English says such may be the origin for the contemporary idiom, “that gets my goat!”

As we take stock of the current political state, as an advocate of focusing on what is good and right and true and thus prioritizing respect for all people — whether they think/look/act like us or not — there is one aspect of current day politicians that arguably most makes me want to learn a little more of the aforesaid French.

I’m pretty sure, in fact, this doesn’t rest solely with me. Take note of most opinion polling; our collective dissatisfaction with politicians is abundantly overflowing. On the right. And on the left. I am being kind. Even with those we perceive to be ideologically likeminded, there aren’t many who represent us that we’re all that immensely thrilled about.

Today we’re toying with the why. 

Let me be clear that I, for one, certainly don’t speak for all people; that’s one of the luring social pitfalls even the intelligent have been prone to fall into… like somehow a woman can speak for all women… a man can speak for all men… a straight person can speak for all straight people or a person of color can speak for all people of color. I mean absolutely no disrespect to any. I simply think it’s illogical to think that a singular person has the ability to represent an entire people group. We’re too beautifully diverse for that to qualify as sound reason.

All that to say, what gets my goat is when the Biden’s and Trump’s of the country and all their surrogates (and of course, far more — they’re just the current most prominent) work to divide us. They are intentional — meaning they’re doing it on purpose — in saying things to make us conclude that we have nothing in common with those who think differently; they want us to think if another thinks a little differently, that they think totally differently; they want us to think we are the only ones who actually care. The Biden’s/Trump’s/etal. couldn’t be more wrong.

Allow me to introduce you to the latest feature from AllSides, a current events resource long utilized and encouraged by the Intramuralist. Regular readers will note that AllSides is the outlet from which we receive our updates in regard to media bias. They are excellent. They are truthful. They are fair.

The mission of AllSides is to “free people from filter bubbles so they can better understand the world — and each other.” How do those inconspicuous filter bubbles occur? “A filter bubble occurs when someone is only exposed to news that confirms his or her beliefs, or solely interacts with like-minded peers. The result? A society where people only see one side, leading to a highly polarized political environment.”

Friends, a society where people only see one side, leading to a highly polarized political environment, is not good nor right nor true. 

Yesterday, AllSides announced the “AllSides Bridging Community.” This resource is a news and information hub that does the exact opposite of the goat takers. It instead highlights efforts to bridge divides and actually find that common ground. Yes, common ground exists. 

On their website, you can find the following articles:

  • “Here’s Where Democrats and Republicans Agree on the Supreme Court”
  • “Democrats and Republicans Actually Agree on Many Policing Reforms”
  • “Here’s Where Democrats and Republicans Agree on Abortion”
  • “Here’s Where Democrats and Republicans Agree on Crime”
  • “Unexpected Overlaps: Republican Voters Believe Humans Contribute to Climate Change, Support Limiting Emissions”
  • “Republicans and Democrats Actually Agree on These Gun Restriction Policies”
  • “Democrats and Republicans Actually Agree on These Immigration Views and Policies”
  • “Democrats and Republicans Actually Both Support These Free Speech Positions”

Look at that. Look at all we potentially have in common.

Know what else I see?

A list of things the Biden’s/Trump’s/etal. will never talk about. That is poor leadership.

The reality is, friends, that we have tons in common. Having tons in common means with wise leadership we could solve some of the challenges currently plaguing our country. Our politicians don’t want us to know that.

That actually does a little more than get my goat.



a new year. let’s start with I’m sorry.

As the new year rolls around, I’ve been thinking a lot about the Intramuralist. I believe intentionality is wise. So I ponder in the year ahead: what do we want to say… what do we want to cover… what is beneficial to pay attention to and what is a wise angle to take?

I pause a bit as I look at the year roaring toward us. I indeed wish it would come “not with a bang but a whimper.” But alas, there is much soon to ring in. Note a brief sampling…

The primary season begins next week. Super Bowl LVIII kicks off on Sunday, February 11th. Then comes the total solar eclipse in early April. The Summer Olympics will begin in Paris on Friday, July 26th. And on Tuesday, November 5th (dare we say it), in rolls Election Day. Ugh, I can hardly wait. Or not.

But as I think of all that’s coming in 2024, I think more so of what I want to say… what posture do I want to assume… and what’s most important… that is… what do we need to say first so that we can respond to both the expected and unexpected wisely and well?

How do we present opinion in a way that is good and right and true — and never compromise being respectful to all?

I think we first need to go here…

I’m sorry.

You heard me correctly.

I’m sorry.

I say that not with a sadness nor any kind of woe-is-me. There’s also no cringey or crumpled-up-face nor wish-you-didn’t-really-read-that. I said it. I mean it. And it’s exactly what I think we need to say first. It’s a bit of an annual accountability check. Allow me to explain.

Increasingly more I see persons absent any accountability. More and more they — I mean, we — justify the unjustifiable… 

We justify the anger; we justify the insult; we justify the canceling — or creatively attempt to call it something else. The bottom line is that we justify the wrongful treatment of someone. We say “we’re mad as hell and not going to take it any more,” and then we find really rude ways of not taking it. We tell someone off. We say we’ve had enough. We justify the fight. And we fight mean. 

We block. We unfriend. We tune totally out for reasons other than establishing healthy boundaries. We justify not listening. We even conclude in our heads and hearts there’s no need to. We then creatively craft some emotionally lofty perch to boldly conclude another is not worth listening to. We thereby justify concluding with total decisiveness we are right; there is no need to even consider another angle opinion or perspective. We justify the unjustifiable.

I get it. The reality is that we have had enough. We’re tired. We’re also hurt and angry, and we’ve been wronged. Maybe it isn’t us who’ve been hurt or angry or wronged, but we saw it done to someone else. We perceive someone treated poorly or oppressively and so the end absolutely justifies the means. And somewhere therein, the disrespectful crazy cycle has begun.

And we get arrogant. Puffed up. Stuck in our own, insulated eco-system. We stop learning; we only pad the opinion of what we already believe.  

As said, I’m sorry. 


Because sometimes that’s been me. Sometimes I’ve been stuck in the crazy cycle. Sometimes my opinion has made so much sense to me that there hasn’t existed any reason to research, listen, or be patient any more.  

Sometimes, even, I’ve come to the naive conclusion that because you disagree with me, you must not care as much as I do. Sometimes, friends, I’ve been disrespectful. I’ve been wrong.

The truth is I haven’t always led with humility. And that, my friends, is what I wish to do with all that’s coming in 2024. Whether it be the eclipse or the election, I promise to lead with humility.

I don’t promise to be perfect… an impossibility this side of eternity. But I do promise to react in what I believe is the only wise way forward.

Time to humbly (and wittingly) do this together. Here’s to all that’s ahead. 



the opportunity of a new year

Ah, yes… it’s that time of year where it’s time to announce our newfound resolve!

And also, yes, we all know the facts. While setting New Year’s resolutions is a fairly common practice, it isn’t necessarily a commonly sustained practice. According to Forbes based on a 2023 fall survey, the average resolution lasts just 3.74 months. In fact, surrendering has become almost as common as setting, that there’s now a slew of (unofficial) dates commemorating such failures — such as “Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day” on January 17 or the second Friday in January, known to some as “Quitter’s Day.”

But alas, we will persevere. Or at least we will encourage the perseverance. 🙂

For me, it’s merely an opportunity… a clean slate… a new beginning… a chance to try something new or improve some aspect of my life’s journey.

Over the course of the last 4 years, for example — thanks to that resolve — I’ve started reading significantly more, began learning how to play the guitar, and also how to speak Spanish. Believe me — I am no expert, to which my musical and Latino friends would freely attest! I probably never will be. But there’s something in the learning and growth that has the potential to spur us on to what’s good and right and true.

And so we ask:

Where is an area you wish to grow?

What is a skill you’d like to learn?

What is a pattern you’d like to stop?

And/or what is a relationship you’d like to improve?

When I think of all the brokenness, digression and gunk in this world, I have little doubt there are aspects on each our journey’s worth some intentional improvement. Hence, for added encouragement, according once more to Forbes, the top New Year resolutions for 2024 are expected to be:

  1. Improve fitness (cited by 48%)
  2. Improve finances (38%)
  3. Improve mental health )36%)
  4. Lose weight (34%)
  5. Improve diet (32%)
  6. Make more time for loved ones (25%)
  7. Stop smoking (12%)
  8. Learn a new skill (9%)
  9. Make more time for hobbies (7%)
  10. Improve work-life balance (7%)
  11. Travel more (6%)
  12. Meditate regularly (5%)
  13. Drink less alcohol (3)
  14. Perform better at work (3%)

Again, for all of the above, at the beginning of 2024, this is an opportunity.

One tangent, editorial note: I bought a new song book over the holidays. It was great! And it was especially fun to play “Angels We Have Heard on High” and “Away in the Manger.” Maybe next year I’ll even sing along in Spanish.

Maybe in something else.



questions from 2023

As we come to the close of another year — and knowing the Intramuralist has a tremendous fondness for the question mark, as it’s the only punctuation piece that actually invites a response — what were those questions we most asked in the year now behind us? What did inquiring minds want to know?

Here are a top 50 actually asked in 2023:

  1. A law that cancels cancel culture?
  2. Are Labor Unions Effective?
  3. Can Nikki Haley’s ‘Strategy of Conviction’ Beat Trump?
  4. Do you think Deion Sanders is a role model for his players?
  5. Does Chris Christie have a chance in 2024?
  6. Has Pete Buttigieg’s Dream Job Turned Into a Nightmare?
  7. How Big a Problem Is President Biden’s Age, Really?
  8. How could a baseball player be worth $700 million?
  9. How is Time Magazine’s Person of the Year decided?
  10. How Popular Does Biden Need to Be to Beat Trump?
  11. How popular is Joe Biden?
  12. How unpopular is Joe Biden?
  13. Hunter Biden: What are the charges against him?
  14. Is 2024 the year for a third-party candidate to break through with dissatisfied voters?
  15. Is a 12-Week Abortion Ban a ‘Reasonable Compromise’?
  16. Is a 15-week limit on abortion an acceptable compromise?
  17. Is Biden fit to serve a second term?
  18. Is Biden vs. Trump the ‘Election We Need’?
  19. Is Elon Musk The Greatest Leader On Earth?
  20. Is Gavin Newsom running a ‘shadow campaign’ for US president?
  21. Is Ibram X Kendi’s ‘Anti-Racism’ a Scam?
  22. Is the COVID-19 Pandemic Over?
  23. Is the United Nations still relevant and effective?
  24. Is this the end for Bill Belichick in New England?
  25. Is Vice President Kamala Harris a liability or an asset in 2024?
  26. Nikki Haley: Who is the Republican presidential hopeful?
  27. Pessimistic About Politics?
  28. Should Biden Really Run Again?
  29. Should Trump go to jail?
  30. So what exactly makes Taylor Swift so great?
  31. Was Oppenheimer a good person?
  32. What about Hunter Biden?
  33. What did Biden know about Hunter, and when did he know it?
  34. What does the word ‘woke’ really mean, and where does it come from?
  35. What Happened to Matthew Perry?
  36. What has Kamala Harris done as vice president?
  37. What is going wrong with American higher education?
  38. What is Hamas?
  39. What Is Israel Trying to Accomplish?
  40. What’s Causing the NFL’s QB Injury Crisis?
  41. When Will Gas Prices Go Down?
  42. When will gas prices stop rising?
  43. When will inflation slow down?
  44. Who is new House Speaker Mike Johnson?
  45. Why are Biden and Bidenomics unpopular?
  46. Why did Republicans vote to get rid of George Santos?
  47. Why has Hunter Biden been indicted?
  48. Will Hollywood Learn These 5 Lessons From ‘Barbie’?
  49. Will The Chiefs Repeat?
  50. Will there be any presidential debates in 2024?

Great questions, friends…

I can’t wait to see what we ask in 2024.



[Sources include but are not limited to: ABC, AP News, The Atlantic, Boston Herald, CBS, CNN, ESPN, Euronews, Financial Times, Forbes, The Guardian, Harvard Gazette, The Indian Express, Investopedia, Marginal Revolution, New York Magazine, New York Post, New York Times, NPR, NY1, Real Clear Politics, Reuters, The Ringer, Roll Call, Sports Illustrated, USA Today, Vox, Wall Street Journal, and The Week.]

the hopes and fears of all the years

I know Christmas was 2 days ago, but I’m not ready for it to be over. It actually doesn’t have to be. (Follow me for a brief moment here; and yes, I do mean brief. I have some presents to keep playing with…)

When I think of the greatest gift I bask in over the Christmas season, there’s one thing that rings true over all. Let me first not dismiss the beauty of much…

  • All the tasty treats, sweets and snacks.
  • The family — near or far.
  • The intentionality in letting people near and dear know how much we care.
  • The individual ornaments, so many that tell a story about a person or place.
  • Christmas Eve church.
  • Those old, familiar carols play.
  • “A Christmas Story,” the Darren McGavin-narrated classic, running endlessly on TBS and TNT this week, still making me laugh. Every. Single. Time.
  • Candlelight — wherever it is.
  • The silence by the glow of the tree.
  • The silent night.

All of the above add to the meaning and merry. There’s more no doubt both for you and for me. But there’s still one thing better that Christmas gives, something I don’t think comes any other way…

I think of that star that guided the Magi to the manger.

I think of the shepherds, keeping watch over their flocks by night.

And whether it be the Magi or the shepherds or you or me, the one thing that was ushered in that night through the life of Jesus was peace. And Lord knows, all of us could use more peace in our lives.

I return to the words of author Sheila Walsh…

“Peace in the midst of all that’s wrong in the world. Peace in the midst of all that’s hard in your family. Peace in the midst of all that’s troubled inside of you. Peace is not the absence of trouble; it’s the presence of Christ.”

In our wondering, therefore, it should not escape us, that every major religion on this planet acknowledges the birth of Jesus Christ. As I sweetly, silently continue then in wonder, I wish that peace to accompany the acknowledgement for all…

  • O little town of Bethlehem
  • How still we see thee lie
  • Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
  • The silent stars go by
  • Yet in thy dark streets shineth
  • The everlasting light
  • The hopes and fears of all the years
  • Are met in thee tonight
  • For Christ is born of Mary
  • And gathered all above
  • While mortals sleep, the angels keep
  • Their watch of wondering love
  • O morning stars together
  • Proclaim thy holy birth
  • And praises sing to God the King
  • And peace to men on earth…



‘I’m just like you’ (at Christmas & more)

During this special season, I find myself craving meaning and purpose. Suffice it to say, the shallow takes a back seat to that which is more.

This year I’ve been reading through a short devotional from Scottish author Sheila Walsh. One page made me think especially lots. 

Here Walsh wrote about a childhood interaction, about a boy in class when each was twelve. The boy was overweight, stuttered, and wore especially thick glasses. Walsh worried about his lack of companions and the unfortunate teasing that came far too generously from the other adolescents.

Writes Walsh:

“I was walking the short distance home from school one day when I heard a commotion behind me. I stopped and turned around to see what was going on. Sam was being harassed by three boys. Their words were cruel enough, but when one picked up a small stone and threw it at him, something inside me snapped. I dropped my schoolbag and pushed the bully so hard that he fell into his friends, and they all ended up in a pile on the sidewalk. Sam and I walked home together that day. We lived only one street apart, and he invited me to come in and have some lemonade. His mum poured us each a glass, gave us a chocolate biscuit, and Sam and I sat down by the fire.

‘Why did you do that?’ he asked.

‘Because I’m just like you,’ I said.

‘No, you’re not,’ he said.

‘I am, Sam. I think we all are.’

We’re all broken in one way or another. We want to belong, to fit in, but life is hard. It’s hard for everyone, but some of us conceal our struggles better than others. Some have no choice but to wear their brokenness in a visible way, while others disguise it behind laughter and smiles, but the pain is the same. We long to be fully known and fully loved, but that’s a terrifying thought. What if being fully known meant that we would not be fully loved?

As we walk through this Advent season, we are invited into that very longed-for embrace by our heavenly Father. The grace of such overwhelming love only became possible when Jesus left the glory of heaven to be born as a fragile baby. He walked where we walk, loved like we long to be loved, all the time showing us in flesh and blood what God our Father is like.

But the truth remains that, unless we are able to grasp hold of that love by the grace of God, to let that love into every little broken corner of our lives, we will remain alone. We were made for so much more.”

 I think what I like about this is a couple of things.

One, we’re all alike. Yep, all of us… black, white, male, female, old, young, gay, straight, conservative, liberal, American, not, brilliant, not, including all other demographic categories. There is no difference. 

But we, way too often, attempt to maximize manufactured differences.

At our own peril.

At Christmas, it’s easier for me to see that.

Jesus was born in a manger — according to both history and scripture — giving us love in human form. His earthly life would show us how incredibly much we are loved…

… and how incredibly much we are to love one another.

Merry Christmas, friends… and always…



what/who do we worship?

In our continuous pursuit of all that is good and right and true, sometimes it’s challenging to know exactly why something isn’t so good and right and true. Maybe it doesn’t feel that way. Maybe it’s the duck metaphor… like “if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck,” quacks, etc., “then it probably is a duck.” It’s the application of abductive reasoning. We can’t always put words to it, but we know when something isn’t all ok, virtuous, good, right, true, you name it.

Allow us to utilize a not-so-popular example. Take the case of Taylor Swift, the pop music icon who celebrated her 34th birthday in celebrity style last week. No doubt she is immensely gifted and connects with a ton of people. Her connection, creativity and absolutely remarkable storytelling ability is laudable, to say the very least. Personally, I’m a longtime admiring fan.

Some would say it’s been Swift’s year. As The NY Times penned over the weekend, “Taylor Swift grabbed many headlines in 2023. Her widely popular Eras Tour, which proved too much for Ticketmaster to handle, has been both a business and a cultural juggernaut. And Time magazine named her as its person of the year.”

Indeed it was her year. Kudos to her… Love it. Enjoy it. Use your 15 fame minutes or moments or obviously so much more wisely and well… That certainly could be said of Swift. Writes Time: 

“… Something unusual is happening with Swift, without a contemporary precedent. She deploys the most efficient medium of the day—the pop song—to tell her story. Yet over time, she has harnessed the power of the media, both traditional and new, to create something wholly unique—a narrative world, in which her music is just one piece in an interactive, shape-shifting story. Swift is that story’s architect and hero, protagonist and narrator.”

Add her budding NFL’er romance to the headlines — and it makes paying attention to Swift even more intriguing.

Yet somewhere in the paying attention is where the good and right and true starts to fall a bit apart for me. It’s not about Swift; truly. it’s about us. It’s about how we take notice — and the depth of our attention. 

Yes, we respect her… we love her… we even have a brand new fondness for burly boyfriend Travis Kelce!

The question, though, is: when does it go too far?

When does it become worship?

When does it become idolatry?

Again, please — let’s give one another a ton of grace. Many of us are fans; there need be no judgment in our assessment. It’s simply that idolatry is known to be unhealthy, and worship, well, that’s wisely reserved for the divine, and last I knew, Swift wasn’t the reason for the season.

This isn’t about the talent of Taylor Swift. This is about our response to celebrity.

Sometimes we worship that which was never intended as such. At Christmas and Hanukkah especially, many of us think about that worship a lot.

I was struck, no less, by the words of one other NFL’er recently. He isn’t nearly as known as Kelce nor even as much as most professional football players. In fact, he’s actually pretty much a perennial back up, only currently playing because the biggest star in Cincinnati had a season-ending injury. 

Jake Browning, the undrafted Bengals quarterback, has been forced into a starting role. Not only is he starting, he is unpredictably doing very well thus far, surpassing all expectations.

Hence, the celebrity status that accompanies NFL success is new to Browning. He was asked about his newfound 15 minutes or moments or more. Said Browning: “[The] biggest adjustment has been I am so tired of talking about myself. I don’t have that many opinions about a lot of things.”

Much as we try to talk to a celebrity about being a celebrity, here is a person who doesn’t want to focus on self. In sports or pop culture, in politics and more, how beautiful is that? 

That, my friends, is unquestionably good and right and true.



the problem is bigger than the college presidents

In recent weeks we’ve spoken about the three college presidents from perceived prestigious universities who took part in an incredibly poor congressional hearing. (Note: I am being kind.) As has been documented here, the presidents of Harvard, Penn and MIT spent hours dodging the question of whether or not calls for the genocide of Jews and/or the elimination of Israel were against their respective university’s code of conduct. Remember that none of the three would directly answer the question, suggesting free speech and context mattered most. None would offer either a “yes” or “no.”

The fallout was swift, strong, and across all party lines. Not only was it a disastrous public relations appearance, it was an even worse ethical interaction, noting that those who are directing the education of our country’s kids could not acknowledge that such calls are “antithetical to everything we represent as a country.”

All three presidents have faced plentiful pressure to resign, with the UPenn president following through. The other two currently remain in their leadership post; however, ample questions and calls for their removal also ardently remain.

Regardless, as alluded to here previously, the bigger question is not with individual leadership; their continued tenure or lack of it doesn’t change the perspicuously fragile foundation underneath. The glaring challenge, therefore, lies in the following: what are the guiding principles these institutions are attempting to instill in those who are on their campus, preparing for professional adulthood?

Interestingly, while the presidents couldn’t be black and white in their public behavioral analysis, as to what the appropriate consequence of a given situation should be, note where they’ve been more decisive. Allow us a mere two examples from Harvard, although indeed, there are far more…

Harvard biology professor Carole Hooven, during the promotion of her book on testosterone and sex differences, explained that sex is binary and biological. As she shared, “In response, the director of my department’s Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging task force (a graduate student) accused me of Twitter of transphobia and harming undergraduates, and I responded. The tweets went viral, receiving international news coverage. The public attack by the task force director runs contrary to Harvard’s stated academic freedom principles, yet no disciplinary action was taken, nor did any university administrators publicly support my right to express my views in an environment free of harassment.” Hooven currently remains on leave.

Or the case with Ron Sullivan, Harvard’s first black faculty dean… 

Sullivan was well credentialed and respected. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa and began his teaching career at Yale where he won the law school’s prestigious award for Outstanding Teaching. Then dean — and future Supreme Court Justice — Elena Kagan recruited him to Harvard. But he was fired four years ago. Why? Sullivan joined the defense team of Harvey Weinstein, the former film producer then facing multiple rape and sexual abuse allegations. Apparently, in a country which constitutionally proclaims that everyone is afforded the right to a fair trial, Weinstein was not worthy of a defense.

Harvard’s campus promotes the concept of “veritas” — in other words, truth. It was was more than 30 years ago when the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences adopted “Free Speech Guidelines” declaring that “free speech is uniquely important to the University because we are a community committed to reason and rational discourse.”

And yet, based on the above, it would seem they indeed struggle with truth when it surrounds academic freedom.

Are students allowed to come to their own decisions?

Perhaps that’s another ‘yes’ or ‘no.’

As a young parent, I used to tell my sons that my job wasn’t to teach them what to think, but rather how to think. My concern now with the institutions of higher learning is that they are most focused on the what, dismissing angles and opinions which conflict from their chosen agenda. There is no veritas nor freedom. 

Here is where the evolution of “wokeism” needs to be acknowledged and addressed. We speak not of “woke’s” original definition in the African-American community referring to an increased awareness of racial injustice. Rightly or wrongly, “woke” has morphed into more of an umbrella term, continually changing, now including a mass variety of perceived social injustice by whoever says so loudest. It thus, also rightly or wrongly, has become associated with political correctness, cancel culture and blinded bias.

All that to say, wokeism comes into play if this is the agenda of the university — that free speech only exists when the school is the determiner of the discourse. Wokeism comes into play if they are canceling unlike angles. Something other than being “over-lawyered” made those college presidents unable to say calls for genocide were wrong. And something made those presidents and administrations un-okay with proclamations of sex being binary. That’s where wokeism may be a problem. What is driving these administrations?

Asked once more: what are they teaching our kids?



the twelve days of Christmas (Intramuralist style)

There’s only so many days left. It’s December 13th as we first post this… in other words, only a dozen or less shopping days.

Hence, it’s time for “The Twelve Days of Christmas”… Intramuralist style, why of course.

(Granted, we’ll spare you the gleefully incessant refrains… although for pure enjoyment reasons, we do encourage the below singing along… if in private, that is… it’s just more fun that way…)

(So starting with day 12… really… please sing.)

* * * * *

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my neighbor sent to me…

Twelve unbiased news outlets

Eleven objective reporters

Ten honest spokesmen

Nine wise college presidents

Eight always kind colleagues

Seven in no lies ever-a-swimming

Six truths a-laying

A calm, 2024…

Four calls for common sense

Three moral men

Two good candidates


A respectful day of productive dialogue.

* * * * *

’Tis the season…

Respectfully… absolutely always…